
December 09, 1603, Hamburg
The Complaint of the Hamburg Parliament concerning Portuguese Jews of December 9, 1603, in: Acta Conventuum Senatus et Civium from Dezember 8/9, 1603 [S. 21-22]
On December 9, 1603, the Hamburg Parliament lodged a complaint with the Executive Council, that among the Portuguese in the Hansa city Jews were also to be found. The burgesses, to be sure, acknowledged in their complaint the economic utility of the Portuguese merchants for the city, but nonetheless1 ... Show Source >
June 16, 1639, Lisbon
Denunciation of Duarte Esteves de Pina, June 16 and 18, 1639
In 1639, Diogo de Lima denounced Duarte Esteves de Pina, a Portuguese Jew living in Hamburg, to the Portuguese Inquisition. The present source is comprised of the charge (seven handwritten pages) as well as the testimonies of two witnesses (each four handwritten pages). An official of the Inquisition1 ... Show Source >
August 1641, Altona
King Christian IV of Denmark, etc., in his capacity as Duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stormarn, and Dithmarschen, grants the Ashkenazi Jews in Altona a Letter of Protection and confirms the privileges individually listed [“General Privilege”]
Numerous handwritten copies of this document have been preserved in the State Archives of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg in addition to contemporary printed versions and excerpts from the 17th and 18th centuries. This alone testifies to its significance. Both the official original of this “General Privilege”—which1 ... Show Source >
1644, Hamburg
Johannes Müller: Judaism, Hamburg, 1644, chapter “On the Jews’ residence: Whether Christians can with good conscience permit Jews to live in their midst”, pp. 1385–1395
This excerpt is a passage from a reference work published in 1644 by the pastor of the church St. Petri in Hamburg, Johannes Müller (1626–1672), under the title “Judaismus oder Judenthumb” [“Judaism”]. Over a thousand pages long, this work, intended for a general audience, was published by Zacharias1 ... Show Source >
Ezekiel, A Beautiful New Song, Hamburg, 1652, edited by David de Castro (Amsterdam, 1675)
In 1675, in Amsterdam, the Sephardic printer David de Castro Tartas published ”איין שין נייא ליד / וואש צו האמבורג איז גישעהן“ [“Ain sche̍n neiʼ lid / waś zu Hamburg is gėschehe̍n,” “A beautyful song / what happened in Hamburg”] a western Yiddish song pamphlet in octavo format with four folio (or eight1 ... Show Source >
1665-1666, Hamburg
Glikl von Hameln: Memoirs 1691-1719 [Excerpt]
Moments of upheaval are particularly fruitful for excavating the historical past. The eruption of a cause célèbre affords an opportunity not only to examine particular ruptures, but also to gain insights into the structures of social life that are interrupted by them. The news of the coming of the Messiah1 ... Show Source >
1685, mit Zusätzen aus dem Jahr 1726,, Hamburg
Pinkas ha-takkanot ha-yashan shel kehilot AH”W Congregation Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbek
Although the Ashkenazi Jews in Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbek lived under different political authorities, since Altona belonged to the Danish Crown, they formed a congregation known as Kehillat Ah“u from 1671. The sections shown here are part of the statutes of the Jewish Congregation of Altona dating1 ... Show Source >
1694, Hamburg
Abraham Hinckelmann, Foreword, in: Al-Coranus S. Lex Islamitica Muhammedis, Filii Abdallae Pseudoprophetae [The Koran, or The Islamic Law of Muhammed, Son of Abdalla the Pseudoprophet], Hamburg 1694, [p. 17-18]
This source deals with an excerpt from the foreword of the Hamburg edition of the Koran of 1694, published by Abraham Hinckelmann. Hinckelmann achieved his place in the history books because he published the first surviving printed Arabic edition of the Koran in Europe. This happened directly after1 ... Show Source >
September 07, 1710, Hamburg
New Decree for the Jewish Population of Hamburg/ Both the Portuguese and the High German Nation, from the Date 7 September in the Year 1710. Hamburg (the so-called Judenreglement) [Excerpt]
The power struggle that broke out between the Senate and the Citizens‘ Council of the city at the end of 17th century could, it was hoped, be resolved with the help of a revised constitution that would restore political stability. The Imperial Decree for Jews of 1710, the Judenreglement, became a legal1 ... Show Source >
1714, Hamburg
Report of the Pastor Johann Jacob Schudt on an Encounter with the “Wealthy“ Jew Diego Teixeira in Hamburg, 1714
This excerpt is taken from the book Jüdische Merckwürdigkeiten [“Jewish Notabilia”] published by the rector of a gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main, Johann Jacob Schudt, in four volumes between 1714 and 1717. Himself a Lutheran, Schudt illustrates the anti-Judaic stance typical of this age in his observations1 ... Show Source >
1725, Hamburg
The Tax Lists of 1725, published in: Max Grunwald, Hamburg's German Jews up to the Dissolution of the Triple Congregation 1811, pp. 191-194
The present documentary source is a brief excerpt from tax lists of the early modern period, reproduced in Max Grunwald’s 1904 local history: “Hamburgs deutsche Juden bis zur Auflösung der Dreigemeinde 1811” [“Hamburg’s German Jews up to the Dissolution of the Triple Congregation 1811”]. The tax lists1 ... Show Source >
November 02, 1733, Hamburg
Defamatory Text Concerning Simon Lefmans, “Niedersächsische Nachrichten von Gelehrten neuen Sachen“ [Lower Saxon Notices for New Learned Matters] of November 2, 1733 (Vol. LXXXVI), pp. 737-746.
This defamatory text against the Jewish physician Simon Lefmans from the year 1733 is simultaneously a source for the entry of Jews into German medicine and also for the antisemitic resistance that it aroused. The text is a sharply tendentious evaluation of a scientific work by the Jewish physician1 ... Show Source >
January 24, 1735, Hamburg
Abraham de Lemos, Petition to the Prussian King, Hamburg 1735
On January 24, 1735, the Sephardic Hamburg merchant Abraham de Lemos sent the petition presented here to the Prussian King Frederick William I. In this document Abraham de Lemos petitions the King for the abrogation of the marriage between his son, Benjamin de Lemos, a student of medicine at the University1 ... Show Source >
Excerpt from the Pinkas Kehila of the Jewish Congregation Frankfurt (Oder) 1767 / 1771, MS 19, 15r-15v
This source is a two-page excerpt from the minute book (pinkas) of the Jewish Congregation in Frankfurt (Oder) with entries dating from the years 1767 and 1771. The minute book documents the activities of the Congregation between 1754 and 1793. Most of the entries, including those selected, deal with1 ... Show Source >
April 08, 1774, Altona
The Testament of Jitte, Daughter of Matthias Glückstadt, Altona, April 8, 1774
Jitte Glückstadt, an unmarried Jewish woman in Altona, had her last will and testament recorded on April 8, 1774. A testament (from the Latin testare, to testify or bear witness to) enables a person to arrange what is to happen to one’s personal property after death, as well as the details of the burial1 ... Show Source >
March 07, 1789, Hamburg
Superintendent of the Poor of the Triple Congregation, Collection for the Poor at the Purim Holiday, Announcement, Hamburg, March 7, 1789
On March 7, 1789, the authorized Superintendents of the Poor for the synagogues of the Triple Congregation issued an appeal, in which they asked for “generous gifts” for the poor on the occasion of the Purim holiday. The brief appeal is written in the German language and is held in the Central Archives1 ... Show Source >
1810, Hamburg
Johann Gottfried Gurlitt, Observations Concerning Preparatory Instruction for the University, especially in Hebrew, Hamburg, 1810 in: Notice of Lectures in the Academic High School of Hamburgakademisches Gymnasium, held from Easter 1809 until Easter 1810, as well as Announcement of Lectures from Easter 1810 until Easter 1811, Hamburg 1810, pp. 3-16, here pp. 9-10.
This source deals with the Foreword to the curricular catalogue of the Academic High School Akademisches Gymnasium of Hamburg (1613-1883) for the years 1810-1811, also containing a look back at the previous two years. The Academic High School Akademisches Gymnasium was a precursor of the University1 ... Show Source >
April 26, 1812, Hamburg
Separation Contract of the Altona Congregation of April 26, 1812, as well as the relevant Acts, including: the Act of Separation of the Altona Congregation (dated, Hamburg, April, 26 1812), as well as the Act of Separation of the Wandsbek Congregation (dated Wandsbek, February 28, 1821), Hamburg, April, 26 1812.
On April 26, 1812, the ten members of the Committee of Separation signed a handwritten document. It would be immediately designated simply as the “Act of Separation.” The Committee of Separation was composed equally of members of the Altona and Hamburg Jewish congregations. Certainly, they had come1 ... Show Source >
1818, Leipzig
Ludolf Holst, On the Relationship of the Jews to the Christians in Commercial Towns, Leipzig 1818
Since 1799 Ludolf Holst (1756–1825) had gained a reputation in Hamburg as an economic expert. Having studied theology and law, he worked as a private tutor and was married to women’s rights advocate Amalia Holst. Since 1799 he devoted himself to economic issues relevant to Hamburg, a topic on which1 ... Show Source >
September 1819, Altona
Dibere Haberith or: Letters from the most eminent Rabbis and Rabbinic Boards Consistories of the most excellent Israelite Congregations of Germany, Poland, and Italy concerning the erection of the “New Temple-Association” in Hamburg by a few individuals of the present Israelite Congregation – contrary to the laws of Judaism. Faithfully translated from the Hebrew into German. Altona, printed by the Brothers Bonn, 1819
The present source deals with the Foreword to a collection of expert report entitled Dibere Haberith (Words of the Covenant, DH), that the three executive board members (Dajanim) of the rabbinic judicial court of the Hamburg Congregation – Baruch Meyer, Jacob Meyer Jaffe, und Michel Israel Speyer– published1 ... Show Source >
1821, Hamburg
Eduard Israel Kley, “The Spirit of the Israelite Elementary Schools,” in: Sulamith: a Periodical for the Advancement of Culture and Humanity among the Israelites, 6 (1821), ed. by David Fränkel, pp. 383-398. [Excerpt from pp. 383-386]
The present source consists of a comprehensive treatise (15 printed pages, approximately 3400 words) laying out the philosophy of education that first appeared in June 1821 as the program of the Hamburg Israelite Free School  Israelitische Freischule. School programs in the 19th century customarily1 ... Show Source >
1834, Hamburg
Gabriel Riesser, A Memorandum Concerning the Civil Conditions of Hamburg Israelites, Submitted. in their support, as a Petition to the Highly Noble and Wise Council. Printed as a Manuscript for the Members of the One Highly Noble and Wise Council and Their Equally Highly Commendable Citizen Colleagues, Hamburg 1834, pp. 6-7
In 1834, following several anti-Jewish excesses in Hamburg, the Jewish jurist and native, Gabriel Riesser, commissioned by the Committee for the Improvement of the Civil Conditions of Israelites  Comité zur Verbesserung der bürgerlichen Verhältnisse der Israeliten, wrote “Denkschrift über die bürgerlichen1 ... Show Source >
1836, Hamburg
Revised Statutes of the Sick-Care Society, established in Hamburg on January 1, 1831, Hamburg 1836
This German-language text from 1831 was the introduction to the first edition of the statutes of a Hamburg sick-care society, which seem not to have been preserved. However, it also preceded the revised statutes of the same association from 1836, and is discussed below in this context. The introduction1 ... Show Source >
January 31, 1843, Leipzig
Bernhard Heßlein, The Israelite Free School in Hamburg (conclusion), in: Der Orient, 4 (1843) 5, p. 33-34
This article “Die Israelitische Freischule in Hamburg” [“The Israelite Free School in Hamburg”] was authored by writer Dr. Bernhard Heßlein, who lived in Hamburg and later in Berlin. He made his mark as a writer of works about the history of the Jews in Hamburg and Berlin. This article consists of three1 ... Show Source >
May 04, 1848, Hamburg
Letter to the Board of the German-Israelite Congregation in Hamburg Regarding the Adoption of Fixed Family Names, Hamburg, May 4, 1848
When Hamburg's council granted the city's Jews permission to acquire the right of citizenship The right of self-government; the precondition for acquiring civic rights was inherited real property, the swearing of a citizen's oath, and the one-time payment of "Bürgergeld" [citizenship fee]; members of1 ... Show Source >
1849, Hamburg
Johanna Goldschmidt, A Mother’s Cares and Joys. Words of Love and Seriousness about Childhood Care. From a mother. With a preface by Seminardirector Dr. Diesterweg, Hamburg 1849.
In the summer of 1849, Hoffmann & Campe published a book entitled “Muttersorgen und Mutterfreuden. Worte der Liebe und des Ernstes über Kindheitspflege. Von einer Mutter. Mit einer Vorrede vom Seminardirector Diesterweg“ [“A Mother’s Cares and Joys. Words of Love and Seriousness about Childhood Care.1 ... Show Source >
February 21, 1849, Hamburg
Provisional Decree for the Purpose of Introducing Article 16 of the Basic Rights of the German People with Regard to the Israelites. Passed by a Resolution of the Council and the City Assembly on February 21, 1849. Published on the Order of E. H. eines Hochedlen [a Highly Noble] Councilor of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Hamburg 1849
This source documents a resolution passed by the Hamburg city council and city assembly that largely granted Hamburg’s Jews legal and economic equality with the city’s other residents. At a meeting of both the city council and assembly held on February 21, 1849, the council asked the Erbgesessene Bürgerschaft1 ... Show Source >
April 30, 1849, Hamburg
Appeal by Dr. Hirsch Marcus Cohn, published in: Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums (AZJ), Leipzig, April 30, 1849, vol. 18, pp. 236-237.
In its edition of April 30, 1849, the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums (AZJ) published a five and a half-page article from Hamburg written by physician Dr. Hirsch Marcus Coh(e)n Both spellings are possible. (1800-1874). The AZJ was the most widely read weekly newspaper among German Jews. Covering topics1 ... Show Source >
June 1862, Hamburg
Julius Stettenheim, The Jew-Eater. Hope You Like It!, Hamburg 1862
In June 1862, the satirist Julius Stettenheim published in Hamburg a four-page lampoon with the title “The Jew-Eater – Hope you Like it!” It contained a caricature and a seven-stanza poem entitled “Mad Spook of a Summer Night’s Dream.” The pamphlet was carried round on poles, proclaimed by its bearers1 ... Show Source >
June 22, 1862, Hamburg
Wilhelm Marr, A Mirror to the Jews, Hamburg , Hamburg 1862 (5th edition)
On June 22, 1862, Wilhelm Marr published the first edition of his work, “Der Judenspiegel” [“A Mirror to the Jews”](editions 1-4, 56 pp), with the second through fourth editions appearing within a few weeks. The fifth edition, which will be quoted from here unless otherwise noted, was published in the1 ... Show Source >
April 15, 1863, Hamburg
The Committee for the Poor of the German Israelite Congregation: “To the honorable Supervisory Committee of the German Israelite Congregation” (15.4.1863), Hamburg, pp. 1-11
This open letter, printed as a brochure, must be seen in conjunction with the recent achievement of civil equality for Jews in Hamburg in 1860. It documents a related problem, namely the question of whether, in spite of Emancipation, a separate Jewish welfare system ought to continue. The authors of1 ... Show Source >
October 22, 1865, Hamburg
Funerary Monument to Dr. Gabriel Riesser (1806–1863) at Ohlsdorf Cemetery, Hamburg (1865)
Three-tiered classicist funerary monument made of sandstone and white marble, ca. 400x170x100 cm (without foundation). A base made of Oberkirchen sandstone supports the marble middle section featuring a frontal mid-relief framed by four Corinthian columns bearing a gabled roof with six acroteria. The1 ... Show Source >
December 20, 1884, Lübeck
Transcript of a Letter from the Executive Board of the Israelite Congregation of Lübeck to the Lord Chief Rabbi Anschel Stern of Hamburg, Lübeck, December 20, 1884
On 20 December 1884, the executive board of the Israelite congregation of Lübeck wrote to the Chief Rabbi of Hamburg, Anschel Stern, officially appointing him as an honorary member. The positive developments in Lübeck since the emancipation legislation, above all the formation of the most important1 ... Show Source >
February 10, 1892, Hamburg
First Senate Ruling of February 10, 1892 Approving the Petitioner’s “Application to Change His Name”
This one-page, handwritten ruling is the reply to a request submitted in 1892 by then 21-year-old Hans Julius Oppenheim. He had asked permission to use the family name Lübbert-Oppenheim instead of Oppenheim, his last name until then. The senate approved his name change, but not in the form he requested:1 ... Show Source >
1894, Boston
Mary Antin's Letter to her Uncle Moshe Hayyim Weltman, 1894 [Extract]
In 1894 Mary Antin (born Maryasche Antin) from the Belarusian town of Polotzk, her mother and three siblings traveled via Hamburg to Boston, her father already having gone ahead. Immediately after her arrival in 1894, Mary Antin gave an account of her voyage in a letter to her maternal uncle, Moshe1 ... Show Source >
November 1896, Hamburg
The Committee of the Henry Jones Lodge for Jewish Folklore, Invitation and Questionnaire, Hamburg 1896
This invitation for collecting folklore was the first of its kind in the Jewish context. The Jewishness of this questionnaire is apparent: a Magen David symbol of the Henry Jones-Loge of Hamburg at the top of the front page. Below it, we find a programmatic exposition on the importance of folklore for1 ... Show Source >
October 01, 1898, Hamburg
The Police Authority. Department II (Political and Criminal Investigation Unit), Report by Constable Erxleben. Re: Observations Carried out in the Streets and Public Houses, Hamburg, October 1st, 1898
This source is one of ca. 20,000 reports written by police spies about conversations they overheard in Hamburg pubs and in public spaces between the end of 1892 and the end of 1910. When the Anti-Socialist Law  The “Law against the Publicly Dangerous Endeavors of Social Democracy,” [Sozialistengesetz]1 ... Show Source >
August 28, 1904, Hamburg
Speech by Gustav Tuch, President of the Henry Jones Lodge, in: The Meeting Hall in Hamburg. Publication Commemorating Its Inauguration. Sunday, August 28, 1904, pp. 25-30 [Excerpt]
The source presented here is a speech by Gustav Tuch, president of Hamburg's Henry-Jones-Lodge, given at the opening ceremony of the new meeting hall of Hamburg's B'nai B'rith (“Sons of the Covenant”) chapter on August 28, 1904. The speech is included in a 58-page Festschrift, a publication commemorating1 ... Show Source >
20. / 22. / 25.12.1904, Berlin
“On the Road With Ballin.” Hamburg 1904
On December 10, 1904, the police inspector in charge of HAPAG’s emigration halls at the port of Hamburg, Wenzel Kilian Kiliszewski, noticed a man calling himself “Jossl Kalischer.” Claiming to be a Jewish migrant from the Russian empire, he turned out to be Julius Kaliski, editor of the Social Democrat’s1 ... Show Source >
vor 1905, Hamburg
The Memoirs of Our Father, Joseph Berkowitz Kohn, copy presumably written by his daughter, Sophie Berkowitz-Kohn, Hamburg
Joseph Berkowitz Kohn’s “memoirs” give an account of the eventful life of a Jew born in the Polish town of Leczyca in 1841 who participated in various struggles for emancipation in his homeland. In 1863 Berkowitz Kohn was forced to flee Poland and went to Hamburg, where he set up his own business as1 ... Show Source >
October 1905, Hamburg
Call for the Founding of a Jewish Library and Reading Room, Hamburg, October 1905
This appeal is part of the files on the administration and organization of the Jewish congregations of Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbek, which are housed at the State Archive Hamburg. Among these files (signature 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden 1691-1945, lot 887 “Jüdische Bibliothek und Lesehalle 1908[!]-1928”)1 ... Show Source >
April 06, 1906, Berlin
Report by the Zionist Chapter Hamburg-Altona, in “Jüdische Rundschau” XI (1906), Vol. 14–15 (April 6, 1906), p. 214f.
The weekly newspaper “Jüdische Rundschau” [Jewish Review] was the press organ of the “Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland” (ZVfD) [Zionist Association for Germany], the German national association of the Zionist Organization (ZO). In issue 14/15 of 1906, the executive committee of the Zionist local1 ... Show Source >
1907, Hamburg
Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland [Aid Organization of German Jews], from Annual Report, 1907 [Excerpt]
The business reports of the Aid Organization of German Jews  Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden were published annually since 1902 and documented in great detail the emigration trends among eastern European and especially Russian and Galician Jews. In the appendix to the sixth business report presented1 ... Show Source >
November 1908, Hamburg
Announcement of a Lecture by Pastor O. Eberhard on November 9, 1908
In November 1908 the executive committee of the “Zionistischen Ortsgruppe Hamburg-Altona” [Zionist chapter Hamburg-Altona] hosted a lecture: Pastor Otto Eberhard, who was presented as “one of the leading experts on the modern cultural state of Palestine,” was to speak on the ninth of the month on the1 ... Show Source >
November 27, 1908, Berlin
From the Local Chapters: Hamburg, in: Jüdische Rundschau XIII (1908), Vol. 48 (November 27, 1908), p. 212
In November 1908 the executive committee of the “Zionistischen Ortsgruppe Hamburg-Altona” [Zionist chapter Hamburg-Altona] hosted a lecture: Pastor Otto Eberhard, who was presented as “one of the leading experts on the modern cultural state of Palestine,” was to speak on the ninth of the month on the1 ... Show Source >
1909, Hamburg
The Hall of Mirrors from Hamburg's Budge Palais, Museum for Arts and Crafts Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, 1909
The Hall of Mirrors was installed in 1909 in a villa built in 1884 by Martin Haller. Henry and Emma Budge had bought the villa around 1900 and commissioned the Hamburg architect to expand it into a palais. The Jewish couple used the banqueting hall to host balls, concerts, and charity events. Three1 ... Show Source >
January 08, 1909, Berlin
Association Review: Hamburg, in: Jüdische Rundschau XIV (1909), Vol. 2 (January 8, 1909), p. 21
In November 1908 the executive committee of the “Zionistischen Ortsgruppe Hamburg-Altona” [Zionist chapter Hamburg-Altona] hosted a lecture: Pastor Otto Eberhard, who was presented as “one of the leading experts on the modern cultural state of Palestine,” was to speak on the ninth of the month on the1 ... Show Source >
"März / April 1910", Berlin
B. [probably Hamburg physician and chairman of the local Zionist chapter Max Besser (1877-1941)], The Founding of a New Jewish Gymnastics Club "Bar Kochba" in Hamburg, in: Jüdische Turnzeitung [Jewish Gymnasts' Paper], 3 / 4 (1910), p. 48; 50.
The Jüdische Turnzeitung. Monatsschrift für die körperliche Hebung der Juden [Jewish Gymnasts' Paper. Monthly Publication for the Physical Improvement of the Jews] was the central organ of the Jewish Gymnasts' Association  Jüdische Turnerschaft, the umbrella organization of national-Jewish sports clubs.1 ... Show Source >
June 1910, Hamburg
Handwritten Notebook of Albert Ballin, Hamburg, June 1910 [Excerpt]
Over a period of 11 years, from May 31, 1902 until March 31, 1913, HAPAG’s general director, Albert Ballin, kept a hand-written notebook in which he listed the names of guests visiting his city apartment at Hamburg’s Badestraße 23 (beginning in 1902), his country house in Hamfelde near Trittau (as of1 ... Show Source >
March 19, 1911, Hamburg
By-Laws of the Israelite-Humanitarian Women’s Association of Hamburg, dated March 19, 1911 (Hamburg 1912)
Founded in 1893, the Israelite-Humanitarian Women’s Association  Israelitisch-humanitärer Frauenverein advocated for women’s rights as well as social policy issues in Hamburg and explicitly addressed a Jewish audience. The source presented here is a printed copy of the association’s by-laws of March1 ... Show Source >
June 23, 1912, Hamburg
Case File of Sarah Blumenau, a Ward of the Court from Hamburg, 1913-1914 [Excerpt]
The following source, a court decision ordering a child into correctional education, stems from the file of Sarah Blumenau  Names have been changed, the daughter of a fashion saleswoman named Tanja B. and a legal councilor named W. born out of wedlock in Hamburg in 1897, who was sent to a reform school.1 ... Show Source >
January 10, 1914, Hamburg
Agreement between the German-Israelite Congregation and the City Treasury, Hamburg, January 10, 1914
Providing pastoral care for Jewish prisoners in the Fuhlsbüttel prison was common practice since the late 19th century, but the legal basis for it was only created with this agreement of January 1914. The two-page agreement between the German-Israelite congregation and Hamburg’s treasury office, which1 ... Show Source >
January 28, 1915, New York
Letter from Jacob H. Schiff (New York) to Max Warburg (Hamburg), January 28, 1915
This letter by Jacob H. Schiff of New York, who was born in Frankfurt in 1847 and had emigrated to the United States in 1865, to Max M. Warburg in Hamburg was written with the events and political constellations in mind which had formed since the outbreak of the First World War in Europe in the summer1 ... Show Source >
Otto Armin (=Alfred Roth), The Jews in the Army. A statistical analysis based on official sources, Munich 1919
This text titled “The Jews in the Army” was written by Alfred Roth, who concealed his identity by using the pseudonym Otto Armin, a combination of the first names of his two sons. It was published in early 1920 by Munich-based Deutscher Volks-Verlag and had a print run of 10,000 copies. The publishing1 ... Show Source >
1921, Hamburg
Agathe Lasch’s Curriculum Vitae, 1921
Few personal records of Agathe Lasch have survived. Therefore, her two handwritten CVs, which are preserved in the State Archives in Hamburg, are all the more valuable. The first one is handwritten but not dated; the second one is a typewritten two-part version, dated and signed in Agathe Lasch’s own1 ... Show Source >
February 1921, Hamburg
German-Jewish War Veterans’ Association [Vaterländischer Bund jüdischer Frontsoldaten]. From the Advertising Committee: Call for a Jewish Memorial Cemetery, Hamburg 1921
This February 1921 call for donations for the establishment of a memorial cemetery for Jews who had died in the First World War, which was to be located at the Jewish Ilandkoppel cemetery (Ohlsdorf), met with broad support from community institutions and the three religious associations. Among the signatories1 ... Show Source >
vor 1922, Hamburg
Poster Stamps Printed by the Deutscher Schutz- und Trutzbund, Hamburg, before 1922
The collection of Hamburg’s Research Centre for Contemporary History  Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte contains numerous examples of antisemitic poster stamps printed from 1919 to 1922 by the large organization German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation (DSTB)  Deutschvölkischer Schutz-1 ... Show Source >
23.-26. April 1922
Rahel Liebeschütz-Plaut, Diary No. 19, Hamburg, 1922
In 1923, Rahel Plaut became the first woman to habilitate at the Medical Faculty in Hamburg and the third woman ever to do so in Germany, with a thesis on isometric contractions in skeletal muscle. In this excerpt from her 1922 diary, she describes her attendance of the 34th Congress of the German Society1 ... Show Source >
May 24, 1923, Wrocław
Moses Hoffmann: Rabbinical Opinion on the Eligibility of Women for Office in the Community, Wrocław, May 24, 1923 [copy]
This rabbinical opinion by Rabbi Moses Jehuda Hoffmann on the question of women’s right to vote was written in May 1923 at the request of Hamburg’s German-Israelite Synagogue Association [Deutsch-Israelitischer Synagogenverband]. Rabbinical opinions are written in order to decide arguments regarding1 ... Show Source >
Anita Rée, “Weiße Bäume in Positano” [White Trees in Positano], 1925
Anita Rée’s 1925 painting “White Trees in Positano” can be considered the most important work from her years in Italy. In the early 1920s the Hamburg painter had spent several years in the Italian village of Positano. During her time there she studied the architecture of this mountain village, its landscape1 ... Show Source >
March 23, 1927, Hamburg
Fashion Show at Robinsohn Brothers, Hamburger Nachrichten, March 23, 1927, p. 18
This photograph, showing the “Corina” wedding gown, is taken from the official website of Israeli fashion designer Galia Lahav ( The princess-like tiara, the corset with floral embellishments, and the voluminous tulle skirt are staged1 ... Show Source >
1928, Hamburg
Model design for the extension of the Israelite Hospital in Hamburg by Hermann Distel and August Grubitz, 1928
The model design (fig.) for the extension of the Israelite Hospital (IK) in Hamburg in 1928 reflected the results and apex of a highly successful development since the hospital’s opening in 1843. In the founding and planning phase that had begun in 1839, Salomon Heine, in addition to the hospital commission,1 ... Show Source >
1928, Hamburg
Gretchen Wohlwill, Oil-Portrait of Eugen Fraenkel, Hamburg 1928
This portrait shows the Hamburg physician Eugen Fraenkel. His facial expression is serious, the forehead is marked by deep wrinkles, his moustache is accurate, and he gazes at the beholder through a pair of pince-nez. He wears a distinguished suit (black jacket, beige vest) with dark tie and white shirt1 ... Show Source >
September 20, 1928, Hamburg
The “Israelitisches Familienblatt” and Its Support of Jewish Ceremonial Art, September 20, 1928
This announcement from the Israelitisches Familienblatt [Israelite Family Paper] no. 38, September 20, 1928, supplement “Aus alter und neuer Zeit” [“Times Old and New”] no. 27, is more than just an advertisement calling for participation in a contest by stressing the valuable prizes to be won. For it1 ... Show Source >
October 28, 1929, Hamburg
Obituary for Aby Warburg in the Hamburger Fremdenblatt, October 28, 1929
This source is an obituary first published by the art historian Erwin Panofsky in the Hamburger Fremdenblatt on 28.10.1929 following his elder colleague Aby Warburg’s death on 26.10.1929. However, it is more than the record of an art historian’s life. Born in Hannover in 1892, and educated in Berlin,1 ... Show Source >
February 04, 1930, Hamburg
Letter from the Deputation of Commerce, Shipping, and Trade to the Administration of Abattoirs and Livestock Markets, Hamburg, February 4, 1930
This selection of sources—a total of five documents—is taken from the files of Hamburg’s administration of abattoirs and livestock markets. The official files document part of the correspondence between the heads of the Deputation for, Commerce, Shipping, and Trade  Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt1 ... Show Source >
April 02, 1930, Hamburg
Letter from the Office of the Chief Rabbito the Administration of Abattoirs and Livestock Markets, Hamburg, April 2, 1930
This selection of sources—a total of five documents—is taken from the files of Hamburg’s administration of abattoirs and livestock markets. The official files document part of the correspondence between the heads of the Deputation for, Commerce, Shipping, and Trade  Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt1 ... Show Source >
July 1930, Zinnowitz
The Zinnowitz Song, Post Card, 1930
This postcard was sold in souvenir shops in the Baltic resort of Zinnowitz alongside the usual souvenir postcards. Tourists of an antisemitic bent could send them to likeminded people as a greeting or use it to sing along when the Zinnowitz resort band played the song at the finale of each concert.1 ... Show Source >
October 09, 1930, Hamburg
Letter from the Office of the Chief Rabbi to the Administration of Abattoirs and Livestock Markets, Hamburg, October 9, 1930
This selection of sources—a total of five documents—is taken from the files of Hamburg’s administration of abattoirs and livestock markets. The official files document part of the correspondence between the heads of the Deputation for, Commerce, Shipping, and Trade  Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt1 ... Show Source >
October 17, 1930, Hamburg
Letter from the Office of the Chief Rabbi to the Administration of Abattoirs and Livestock Markets, Hamburg, October 17, 1930
This selection of sources—a total of five documents—is taken from the files of Hamburg’s administration of abattoirs and livestock markets. The official files document part of the correspondence between the heads of the Deputation for, Commerce, Shipping, and Trade  Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt1 ... Show Source >
October 22, 1930, Hamburg
Letter from the Deputation for Commerce, Shipping, and Trade to the Administration of Abattoirs and Livestock Markets, Hamburg, October 22, 1930
This selection of sources—a total of five documents—is taken from the files of Hamburg’s administration of abattoirs and livestock markets. The official files document part of the correspondence between the heads of the Deputation for, Commerce, Shipping, and Trade  Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt1 ... Show Source >
November 18, 1930, Hamburg
By-laws of the Franz Rosenzweig Memorial Foundation, Hamburg, November 1930
The statutes of the Franz Rosenzweig Memorial Foundation of November 1930 were kept very brief. They read like a note for the files with a five-point program. Their content combined programmatic goals and specific steps with as yet little defined institutional directives. The intellectual life of Hamburg's1 ... Show Source >
April 01, 1931
Hertha Hermann, “We Women as . . . Women Drivers!”, in: Altonaer Nachrichten, Hamburger neueste Zeitung, 2nd supplement to No. 77, April 1, 1931, p. 9
Until 1933, Hamburg-based Hertha Herrmann (1897–1970)) was a respected sports journalist and a passionate motorcycle sportswoman in her spare time. In the early 1930s, she was considered Germany’s most successful female motorcyclist. At the end of 1937, she was attacked and mistreated by SA men; shortly1 ... Show Source >
1932, Hamburg
Little Playhouse [Kleines Schauspielhaus] – Friedrich Lobe, Director – 1932/33 Season
“Little Playhouse [Kleines Schauspielhaus]—Friedrich Lobe, Director —1932/1933 Season” sits in elegant silver font on the square black 32-page brochure that was printed in Hamburg in August 1932 and is now held in the State and University Library. A drawing of the auditorium on the first page, “after1 ... Show Source >
April 13, 1932, Hamburg
Flyer by the Hamburg Chapter of the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbüger jüdischen Glaubens [Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith ], April 1932
This flyer was published by the Hamburg chapter of the Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith Centralverein deutscher Staatsbüger jüdischen Glaubens and distributed on April 13, 1932 as a supplement to the newspaper Hamburger Fremdenblatt, which had a print run of ca. 150,000 copies. In1 ... Show Source >
March 29, 1933, Hamburg
Radio Broadcast By Karl Kaufmann: “Against the Lies of Our Enemies about Supposed Events in Hamburg,” Reichssender Hamburg, March 29, 1933
This radio address by Karl Kaufmann, NSDAP Gauleiter in Hamburg, which was broadcast on March 29, 1933 by Norddeutscher Rundfunk, was part of a nationwide campaign which culminated in the “boycott against Jews” of April 1, 1933. His address provides insight into the National Socialist image of “the1 ... Show Source >
June 1933, Hamburg
Appeal by the Provisional Board of the Sports Club “Schild” Organized by the German-Jewish War Veterans’ Association’s Hamburg Chapter, June 1933
This source is a letter published by the sports club “Schild” run by the Hamburg chapter of the German-Jewish War Veterans’ Association Vaterländischer Bund jüdischer Frontsoldaten e. V.. It appeals to all male and female Jewish athletes to join the newly founded sports club “Schild.” Although sports1 ... Show Source >
vermutlich 1935, Hamburg
List of Jewish Physicians in the Arztregisterbezirk Hamburg
Shortly after the National Socialist takeover, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians  Kassenärztliche Vereinigung and the medical association began compiling lists of those physicians considered “Jewish” or “non-Aryan.” These lists were not public, but were shared with welfare offices,1 ... Show Source >
Februar 1935, Hamburg
Rudolf Birnbach, “Mother Borchardt” – A Jewish Shipping Company Owner, in: Aus alter und neuer Zeit. Bildbeilage des Israelitischen Familienblattes [From Times Old and New. Illustrated Supplement to the Israelite Family Newspaper] 8 (1935), p. 7
The source presented here is a 1935 photo essay about the Hamburg shipping company Fairplay and its owner, Lucy Borchardt. It introduces the shipping company's owner as an important member of Hamburg's Jewish community while emphasizing the fact that the well-reputed company Fairplay was headed by a1 ... Show Source >
1936, Berlin
The Boys from the „Gush“. A Jewish Book for Young Adults, Berlin 1936, pp. 22-23
This double page is taken from the Zionist young adult book “Die Jungen vom Gusch” [“The Boys from the Gush”] written by Bernhard Gelbart and published in 1936 by the Berlin-based Kedem Verlag. The 125-page novel is addressed to youths. The excerpt presented here describes a meeting of a Zionist youth1 ... Show Source >
1934-1936, Paris
Paul Dessau, Hagadah, Paris / Herblay 1934-1936
Paul Dessau’s scenic oratorio “Hagadah” based on a text by Max Brod is the most important work of this Hamburg-born composer from the early period of his emigration to France, during which he recalled his Jewish roots and placed himself at the service of the Zionist movement. The traces of a complicated1 ... Show Source >
March 05, 1936, New York
Letter of Recommendation for Siegfried Landshut, New York, March 5, 1936
Letters of recommendation combine the personal micro-level with the macro-level of social habits and circumstances in a given time period. This two-page letter of March 5, 1936 for the sociologist Siegfried Landshut which his former supervisor Eduard Heimann sent from his New York exile to [Hans] Kohn1 ... Show Source >
June 11, 1936, Hamburg
An Addendum to Ida Dehmel’s Diary of Her World Cruise aboard the “Reliance” 1936
The patron of the arts, Ida Dehmel (1870–1942), kept a diary during her round the world trip on board the cruiser “Reliance”in 1936. On June 11, 1936, upon her return home to Blankenese, she jotted down an addendum. On this final page she describes the sense of happiness which she felt on the sea and1 ... Show Source >
veröffentlicht 1937, entstanden zwischen 1931-1937, Hamburg
Erich Kastan, Photograph of the Temple on Innenraums des Tempels Oberstraße, Hamburg, 1937
This black and white photograph of the interior of the Temple at Oberstraße was published in 1937. It was taken by Erich Kastan, a photographer of Jewish origin who lived in Hamburg at the time. The image presents an overview of the space including the essential elements of a synagogue: the floor-to-ceiling1 ... Show Source >
Februar 1937 - Januar 1938, Hamburg
Calls for Donations for the Jewish Winter Relief for the Area of the Hanse City of Hamburg from the Gemeindeblatt [Congregation Newsletter], drawn by Hans Rudolf Growald, Hamburg, 1937/38
These five drawings published in different issues of the Gemeindeblatt [Congregation Newsletter] and the Jüdisches Gemeindeblatt für das Gebiet der Hansestadt Hamburg [Jewish Congregation Newsletter for the Area of the Hanse City of Hamburg] solicited donations for the Jewish Winter Relief in the winter1 ... Show Source >
vermutlich 30. Oktober 1938, Zbąszyń
The Memoirs of Cantor Joseph Cysner: Testimonials of the Polenaktion and His Zbąszyń Internment, probably written at Zbąszyń, October 30, 1938
During the final days of October 1938, the “Third Reich” implemented its first systematically organized deportation of Jewish residents from German cities in an event known as the Polenaktion. Cantor Joseph Cysner was one of 900 Hamburg Jews deported at that time. His memoirs offer a rare testimony1 ... Show Source >
1938, Hamburg
Page from Eva Wartburg’s Notepad (1938)
On six pages of a notepad, kindergarten teacher Eva Warburg wrote down the names of some of the children enrolled at the Jewish day care center at Jungfrauenthal 37 in Hamburg, which she ran, who were to be evacuated abroad in late 1938 in view of the increasing persecution of Jews. The page shown here1 ... Show Source >
January 09, 1938, Hamburg
Greeting by Max Warburg on the Occasion of the Opening of the Jewish Community Center, Hamburg, January 9, 1938
The founding of the Jewish community center and its opening ceremony in the Hamburg neighborhood of Rotherbaum on January 9, 1938 was an unmistakable sign of self-assertion and spiritual resistance. It was reflected in the inaugural speech given by banker Max Moritz Warburg, both in his words and between1 ... Show Source >
November 01, 1938, Hamburg
Renaming of Hallerstraße in Ostmarkstraße, Hamburg, November 1st, 1938
This photo was published in the newspaper Hamburger Anzeiger on November 1st, 1938. It shows an older man in work clothes and peaked cap with a street sign reading “Hallerstrasse,” which he has just removed, tucked under his left arm. He is looking at the new sign reading “Ostmarkstrasse” he has just1 ... Show Source >
November 23, 1938
Rulandseck, November 1938, Herbert Heinemann: The Three Rulands, Reichssender Hamburg, November 23, 1938 (00:00-1:58)
This is an excerpt from a cabaret program broadcast monthly by various radio stations under the title “Rulands-Eck.” A trio of singers who called themselves “The Three Rulands” [“Die Drei Rulands”] were responsible for writing the program. This episode of “Rulands-Eck” which was broadcast by the Reichssender1 ... Show Source >
November 24, 1938, Hamburg
Memorandum by the Superior School Authority – School Administration, November 24, 1938
This ca. one pagelong memorandum written by the Hamburg school administration authority and dated November 24, 1938 records a statement by Arthur Spier, director of the Talmud Torah School and the Israelitischer Gemeindeverband Hamburg's  Association of Israelite Communities in Hamburg delegate for1 ... Show Source >
Mai / Juni 1939, Atlantic Ocean
Fritz Buff’s Account of His Journey on the St. Louis (1939)
On May 13, 1939, the HAPAG liner ST. LOUIS left the port of Hamburg with the destination Havana (Cuba). On board was 17-year-old Fritz Buff (1921-2017). He had embarked on the voyage without any relatives and summarized his experiences in an eleven-page travel report. The document is divided into three1 ... Show Source >
November 13, 1939, Hamburg
Register of Moving Goods of Betty Levy, Hamburg, 13.11.1939
Betty Levy, a native of Melsungen in Hessen, emigrated to South Africa in February 1940. To this end, leading up to her emigration, she stayed with relatives in Hamburg for the time being. Starting in November 1939, she thus underwent the prescribed emigration approval proceedings conducted by the Foreign1 ... Show Source >
November 02, 1941, Hamburg
Letter by Hedwig Klein to Dr. Brinkmann of November 2, 1941
On October 25, 1941, the first train rolled from Hamburg to the Lodz Ghetto. The day before, about 1,000 Hamburg Jews, who were scheduled for deportation according to the transport list, had to report to the former lodge house on Moorweidenstraße. In the coming weeks (November 8 and 18; December 6,1 ... Show Source >
December 09, 1941, Hamburg
Letter to the Hamburg Historical Museum [Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte]. Regarding the Banning of Jews from Visiting the Museum. Hamburg, December 9, 1941
On December 9, 1941, Alfred Borchardt, a Hamburg Jew, wrote a letter to the Hamburg Historical Museum  Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte. In it he addresses several aspects of the National Socialist policy of persecution directed at the Jews. First, he enquires about the possibility of allowing Jews1 ... Show Source >
1942, London
Helen Rosenau, Changing Attitudes towards Women, in: Free German League of Culture in Great Britain (ed.), Women under the Swastika, London 1942, pp. 26-27.
Helen Rosenau was an art historian and archaeologist who had to flee Germany for England in 1933 after the Nazis came to power. After her emigration, she, like numerous other Jewish scholars, found herself in a precarious situation. In her publications, a clear political positioning now became visible1 ... Show Source >
03.1943-11.1945, Terezín
Martha Glass: Theresienstadt Diaries 1943-1945
The diary covers the period of two years and seven months. It consists of three octavo notebooks: The first entry in notebook 1 was made between March 6 and March 11, 1943 (undated); Notebook 2 begins with a note dated November 15, 1943; Notebook 3 starts on August 1, 1945 and ends with an entry dated1 ... Show Source >
June 02, 1944, Shanghai
Pass for Stateless Refugees from the Designated Area Hongkew issued by the Stateless Refugees Bureau Shanghai, in 1944 for James Iwan Wolf
Following the November pogrom of 1938, the situation of the Jewish population worsened dramatically, and the majority of Hamburg's Jews left their hometown. James Iwan Wolf (1893-1981), son of Leopold Wolf and a member of the famous Wolf Brothers, was one of about 500 to 700 Jewish emigrants from Hamburg1 ... Show Source >
October 17, 1944, Berlin
Letter by Karl Bodenschatz, Chief of the Ministeramt Reichsmarschall des Großdeutschen Reiches, Berlin, October 17, 1944
The document possibly most significant for Friedrich Wilhelm Lübbert’s life (and survival) is dated October 17, 1944 and signed by “General der Flieger und Chef des Ministeramts Reichsmarschall” Karl Bodenschatz. In it he confirms that Friedrich Wilhelm Lübbert, a businessman of Jewish ancestry, was1 ... Show Source >
April 30, 1945, Hamburg
Statistics on Hamburg’s Jewish Population, compiled for the Gestapo by the Reich Association of the Jews in Germany [Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland] Liaison Officer on April 30, 1945
The document presented here contains a statistical table listing the number of Jews remaining in Hamburg in the final days of the National Socialist regime. Statistics like this one were compiled about every other week for the Gestapo in Hamburg and were forwarded to the Berlin headquarters of the Reich1 ... Show Source >
July 08, 1945, Hamburg
Minutes of a Meeting to Reconstitute the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg, July 1945
On July 8, 1945, a Sunday, twelve Hamburg Jews gathered in the apartment of Chaim Golenzer at Rutschbahn 25a, a so-called “Judenhaus,” with the intention to reorganize the congregation that had previously been eradicated by the National Socialist regime. They were all former members of Hamburg's German-Israelite1 ... Show Source >
Ágnes Lukács, Sheet “ Összebújva” (Close together), in: id. „Auschwitz Nöi Tábor“ (The Auschwitz Women’s Camp). 24 lithographs, ed. by the Socialist-Zionist Party Ichud / Bela Denes, Budapest 1946.
The 1946 portfolio of lithographs by Hungarian-Jewish artist Ágnes Lukács titled “Auschwitz Nöi Tábor” (The Auschwitz Women's Camp) includes an image of a group of women standing closely together, holding each other as if to warm or comfort one another. Those at the outside of the group try to get as1 ... Show Source >
February 23, 1946, Hamburg
Access Authorization to the Broadcasting Studio Hamburg for Major Everitt, issued by the Broadcasting Control Unit Hamburg 1946
After the end of the Second World War only few Jewish men and women returned from exile to Germany. The same is true for the media sector which was to be newly organized under the supervision of the respective Allied occupation forces after the collapse of the “Third Reich.” Walter Albert Eberstadt1 ... Show Source >
1947, Hamburg
Ida Ehre acting Hekuba in Euripides' Trojan Women
This 1947 photograph shows a grieving woman whose figure fills out the entire picture. She wears a frock made of burlap, the preferred substitute cloth for theater costumes during the postwar period, which also used to be worn by penitents; her hairstyle meanwhile alludes to ancient times. Her body1 ... Show Source >
May 02, 1947, Hamburg
Letter by Fritz Klesper to the President of Hamburg’s Finance Office (May 2, 1947)
On May 2, 1947 Oberregierungsrat Fritz Klesper, head of the Hamburg State Office for Property Administration [Hamburger Landesamt für Vermögenskontrolle] (in charge of the administration of former National Socialist property and processing of “compensation” and restitution payments) which had only been1 ... Show Source >
April 19, 1948, Hamburg
DECLARATION BY PRESENT OWNER OR CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY WHICH HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO TRANSFER IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 1 OF GENERAL ORDER No. 10 / Erklärung des jetzigen Eigentümers oder Verwalters von Vermögen, das unter Artikel 1 Absatz 1 der allgemeinen Verfügung Nr. 10 fällt
In the course of the administration of assets expropriated by the National Socialists, the British military government set itself the goal of specifying the property control that had already begun in 1946, which also included the expropriated assets of persons persecuted by the Nazis. On October 20,1 ... Show Source >
August 27, 1948, Berlin
Letter to the President of the Hamburg Jewish Congregation, Dated August 27, 1948
Three years after the end of Second World War, on September 13, 1948, Heinrich Alexander, a Berlin Jew who survived the war in emigration wrote this letter to the head of Hamburg’s Jewish congregation. In his brief letter he explained that he did not want to remain in Berlin and asked Harry Goldstein,1 ... Show Source >
September 13, 1948, Hamburg
Letter by the Hamburg Jewish Congregation in Reply to Heinrich Alexander, September 13, 1948
Three years after the end of Second World War, on September 13, 1948, Heinrich Alexander, a Berlin Jew who survived the war in emigration wrote this letter to the head of Hamburg’s Jewish congregation. In his brief letter he explained that he did not want to remain in Berlin and asked Harry Goldstein,1 ... Show Source >
May 14, 1949, Hamburg
Community Center, Rothenbaumchaussee 38
The black-and-white photograph shows the façade of the administrative building of the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg (JGH) at Rothenbaumchaussee 38. An unknown photographer took the picture diagonally from the front yard, so that the neighboring building on the left is also visible. In the center of1 ... Show Source >
April 1950, Hamburg
Hannah Arendt, Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Field Reports, 1948–1951, Field Report No. 18, February 15 – March 10, 1950
Hannah Arendt, a Jewish intellectual who had fled to the United States in 1941, wrote this field report during her first trip back to Germany after the war. In contrast to her now famous account “The Aftermath of Nazi Rule. Report from Germany,” her field report directly mentions the circumstances which1 ... Show Source >
July 22, 1953, Hamburg
Grete Berges, Return to Hamburg (July 22, 1953), p. 6
In an article titled “Wiedersehen mit Hamburg” [Return to Hamburg], writer, translator and literary agent Grete Berges, who exiled from Germany in 1936, describes her return to the city from which she was expelled by the National Socialists. Seventeen years have passed between her escape and her return1 ... Show Source >
July 06, 1956, Frankfurt am Main
Hermann Zvi Guttmann, Drawing for Design of the Synagogue at Hohe Weide, 1956
It was probably in 1956 that plans made by Hamburg's Jewish congregation, re-established in 1945, for building a new synagogue with a community center at Hohe Weide became concrete. In order to find an architect and an appropriate design, the congregation held a competition. The plan presented here1 ... Show Source >
October 1956, Hamburg
Jewish Congregation Hamburg. Retirement Home and Nursing Home. Scale: 1:100. Diazotypes, Frankfurt am Main, October 1956
In the mid-1950s, the Jewish congregation in Hamburg, which had been reestablished in 1945, began to think about building a new home for the elderly. At the same time, their plans to build a new synagogue at Hohe Weide became more concrete. In contrast to this new building, for which the congregation1 ... Show Source >
Anfang 1957
Friedrich Nieland, How Many World (Money) Wars Must the Peoples of the World Lose? Open Letter to all Government Ministers and Members of Parliament of the Federal Republic, pp. 3–4, Hamburg 1957
In early 1957, Hamburg timber merchant Friedrich Nieland distributed a 39-page brochure titled “How Many World (Money) Wars Must the Peoples of the World Lose? Open Letter to All Government Ministers and Members of Parliament of the Federal Republic.” The brochure was published with a print run of 2,0001 ... Show Source >
November 24, 1957, New York
A Conversation with Arnold Bernstein, in: Sonntagsblatt Staats-Zeitung und Herold, November 24, 1957
This newspaper article titled “Gespräch mit Arnold Bernstein” [“A Conversation with Arnold Bernstein”] covers the life and work of the German-Jewish shipping company owner from Hamburg. The interview was conducted by an unknown author – who is only identified by his initials, A. S. – for the Sonntagsblatt1 ... Show Source >
February 1958, Nürnberg
Hermann Kellenbenz, Sephardim on the Lower Elbe. Their Economic and Political Significance from the End of the 16th to the Early 18th Century, Wiesbaden 1958
The study “Sephardic Jews on the Lower Elbe” published by Franz Steiner Verlag in 1958 as volume 40 of their supplement to the academic journal Vierteljahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (edited by Hermann Aubin) may be considered a central contribution to Hamburg’s Jewish history of1 ... Show Source >
May 07, 1958, Hamburg
Ludwig Berger, About Johannes Brahms the Man. Commemorative Speech Given at a Celebration Hosted by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg on the Occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th Birthday on May 7, 1958, Hamburg
On May 7, 1958 Ludwig Berger, a once celebrated theater director and author largely forgotten today, gave a commemorative address at Hamburg’s Musikhalle as part of the “Brahms Festwoche” festival held on the occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th birthday. Berger’s roughly 60-minute long speech was distributed1 ... Show Source >
November 09, 1958, Hamburg
Speech Given by Mayor Max Brauer on the Occasion of the Groundbreaking for the Synagogue at Hohe Weide, November 9, 1958
When the foundation stone of the new synagogue was laid on November 9, 1958, Hamburg’s mayor, Max Brauer, was present to give a speech. Hamburg’s first synagogue of the postwar period was built at Hohe Weide. Previously the small Jewish congregation had to hold prayer services in provisional prayer1 ... Show Source >
November 10, 1958, Stockholm
The Synagogue on Bibliotheksgata – Saved from the “Kristallnacht”, in: Dagens Nyheter, November 10, 1958, p. 12
This article, written by an anonymous journalist for the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter (Daily News), was published on the 20th commemoration of the November Pogroms on November 10, 1958. It is now located in the digital archive of Kungliga Biblioteket (The National Library of Sweden). Under1 ... Show Source >
vermutlich 1960er-Jahre, Montevideo
Photograph of the arm chair model Pinamar, probably 1960s
The untitled photograph depicts the living room of the Goldberg family's vacation home, which was built in 1961 not far from the Uruguayan capital Montevideo in Pinamar. The interior design of the room corresponds to the purist design vocabulary of the 1960s. The pictured room opens to the pine forests1 ... Show Source >
Jacob Sonderling, This is my Life (Memoirs), Los Angeles, 1961-1964 [Excerpt], p. 3-5.
This excerpt from the autobiographical notes by Rabbi Dr. Jacob (Jakob) Sonderling (1878-1964), who worked in Hamburg between 1908 and 1922/23, provides insight into a life shaped by migration and the search for belonging. Those aspects in Sonderling’s transnational biography which are closely linked1 ... Show Source >
April 30, 1964, Hamburg
Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, April 30, 1964
This source consists of four machine typed letters of one or two pages dating from the period between April and August 1964. A fifth and last letter that contained selected press articles was sent in September 1964. Copies are kept in two locations: the Helmut Schmidt archive at the Archiv der sozialen1 ... Show Source >
May 13, 1964, Hamburg
Letter from Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber to Senator Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg, May 13, 1964
This source consists of four machine typed letters of one or two pages dating from the period between April and August 1964. A fifth and last letter that contained selected press articles was sent in September 1964. Copies are kept in two locations: the Helmut Schmidt archive at the Archiv der sozialen1 ... Show Source >
July 13, 1964, Hamburg
Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bischop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, July 13, 1964
This source consists of four machine typed letters of one or two pages dating from the period between April and August 1964. A fifth and last letter that contained selected press articles was sent in September 1964. Copies are kept in two locations: the Helmut Schmidt archive at the Archiv der sozialen1 ... Show Source >
August 26, 1964, Hamburg
Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bischop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, August 26, 1964
This source consists of four machine typed letters of one or two pages dating from the period between April and August 1964. A fifth and last letter that contained selected press articles was sent in September 1964. Copies are kept in two locations: the Helmut Schmidt archive at the Archiv der sozialen1 ... Show Source >
September 01, 1965, Bromma Kyrka
Letter by Walter A. Berendsohn to Karl Ludwig Schneider, September 1, 1965
The P. Walter Jacob Archive, part of the Walter A. Berendsohn Research Center for German Exile Literature, houses a part of Berendsohn’s estate which includes his extensive correspondence. This handwritten draft of a two-page letter Berendsohn wrote or sent on September 1st, 1965 in Bromma, Sweden,1 ... Show Source >
1975, Berlin
Käthe Starke, Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. Read by Laura de Weck, excerpt from the audio book “ schwarzer Nacht und lautloser Stille muss ich meinen Weg allein suchen...”, Hamburg 2011.
In 1975, Käthe Starke-Goldschmidt published her memoirs The author published under her married name Starke, which she used from the late 1940s. In reference to other publications and for better readability, she will be called Käthe Starke-Goldschmidt in the following. of her time in the Theresienstadt1 ... Show Source >
May 1980, Tel Aviv
The Synagogues of Hamburg by Ruben Maleachi (cont.), in: Mitteilungen des Verbandes Ehemaliger Breslauer und Schlesier in Israel [News of the Association of Former Bratislavans and Silesians in Israel], published by the Association of Former Bratislavans and Silesians in Israel, 46-47 (May 1980), pp. 41-44
Over the course of two years from 1978 until 1980, Ruben Maleachi published his impressions of several prewar synagogues and the different practices of the Jewish communities in Hamburg in German in the Mitteilungen des Verbandes ehemaliger Breslauer und Schlesier in Israel  News of the Association1 ... Show Source >
July 12, 1983, Toronto
Letter Written by Salomo A. Birnbaum to Peter Freimark, Downsview (Ontario), July 12, 1983
This letter, dated 12 July, 1983, was written by Salomo / Solomon A. Birnbaum to Peter Freimark in Hamburg. Prof. Dr. Peter Freimark, then Director of the Institute for the History of the German Jews  Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden in Hamburg, was researching the situation in Hamburg1 ... Show Source >
1988, Hamburg
Photo Pavement Mosaic Joseph-Carlebach-Platz (Bornplatz)
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1938 November pogroms, the city of Hamburg on November 9, 1988 dedicated the “synagogue monument” designed as a walk-in space by artist Margrit Kahl (1942-2009). Located in the Grindelviertel in the Rotherbaum neighborhood within Eimsbüttel district, the1 ... Show Source >
May 08, 1990, Wiesbaden
Letter from the German Motion Picture Rating Agency to CCC-Filmkunst LLC, Wiesbaden. Dated May 8, 1990 Regarding the Rating of the Movie “Der Rosengarten” [“The Rose Garden”]
This official rating certificate for the film “The Rose Garden” issued by the German Motion Picture Rating Agency  Deutsche Filmbewertungsstelle in Wiesbaden is in the collection of the German Film Institute’s  Deutsches Filminstitut, or Dif e.V. Artur Brauner Archives in Frankfurt a.M. It was issued1 ... Show Source >
November 03, 1991, Hamburg
Decision by the German Rabbinical Conference of November 1991
When the conflict about the planned construction on the site of the Jewish cemetery in Ottensen was already in full swing, the German Rabbinical Conference in November 1991 issued an opinion. They judged the construction project as a clear violation of Halakhic law and demanded that all work on the1 ... Show Source >
January 08, 1995, Hamburg
Transcript excerpt FZH / WdE 298, pp. 100-104, based on the slightly shortened audio excerpt from the interview with Steffi and Kurt Wittenberg, Part II, 8.1.1995, 3A, 00:24:00, interviewer: Sybille Baumbach.
The source presented is an excerpt from a life history interview given by Steffi Wittenberg (1926-2015) on January, 5 and 8 and 19 July 1995 for the Workshop of Memory Werkstatt der Erinnerung, the oral history archive of the Research Centre for Contemporary History Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte1 ... Show Source >
November 20, 1998, Hamburg
Interview with Esther Bauer (B), November 20, 1998. Interviewer: Jens Michelsen (M), minute 00:09 to 3:53
This is an excerpt from an oral history interview with Esther Bauer conducted on November 20, 1998 by Jens Michelsen for Workshop of Memory (WdE)  Werkstatt der Erinnerung, the Oral History Archive run by the Research Centre for Contemporary History  Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte. It is the second1 ... Show Source >
Cheskel Zwi Klötzel, Moses Pipenbrink‘s Adventures. The Odd Experiences of a Young Jewish Boy (in Cuxhaven and Hamburg), Cuxhaven 2001 (reprint of the edition published in 1920), pp. 37-39.
“Moses Pipenbrink’s Adventures” is one of the first novels with Zionist tendencies written for Jewish children in the German-speaking world. Published ten years before Erich Kästner’s Emil und die Detektive [Emil and the Detectives] (Berlin, 1929), it is also an early example of modern German children’s1 ... Show Source >
September / Oktober 2007, Hamburg
Reopening of the Joseph Carlebach School, Hamburg, 2007
This source is a short article of fifty-four lines that was published in the newsletter of Hamburg's Jewish congregation on the occasion of the Joseph Carlebach School's reopening in the fall of 2007. Its author is the journalist and writer Daniel Killy, who also was the Jewish congregation's spokesperson1 ... Show Source >
2010, Hamburg
The Stolpersteine of Brahmsallee 13, Hamburg, July 22, 2007
This photograph shows six stumbling stones  Stolpersteine embedded in the pavement in front of the residential building at Brahmsallee 13 by artist Gunter Demnig on July 22, 2007. The brass plate-covered concrete cubes measuring 10 x 10 cm remember three Jewish couples who lived at this address: Gretchen1 ... Show Source >
June 20, 2012, Berlin
Rachel Dror (01153/sdje/0048). Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, June 20, 2012 (Berlin). Interview: Lennart Bohne, Daniel Hübner, and Barbara Kurowska. Transcription and editing: Teresa Schäfer. Chapters 2.5 and 2.7.
These two sequences sequence I: 0:35:36–0:36:59 and sequence II: 0:43:49–0:45:44 from an interview with Rachel Dror discuss her experiences during and after the pogroms in Hamburg, where she was part of a group of Jewish youths preparing for life in Palestine, and also her subsequent return to her parental1 ... Show Source >
Photography Model with wedding dress Corina of Galia Lahav Collection
This photograph, showing the “Corina” wedding gown, is taken from the official website of Israeli fashion designer Galia Lahav ( The princess-like tiara, the corset with floral embellishments, and the voluminous tulle skirt are staged1 ... Show Source >
2020, Altona
Sephardic Synagogue “Bäckerstrasse” 3D Model
The history of the synagogue of the Portuguese congregation Neve Shalom in Hamburg-Altona and its destruction in 1940 can only be reconstructed in fragments since only few written and pictorial sources exist. It was consecrated in 1771 in a backyard in what was then Bäckerstraße (today: Hoheschulstraße)1 ... Show Source >
March 31, 2020, Köln
Guidelines for Celebrating Passover 5780
The Orthodox Rabbinical Conference of Germany (ORD) published a guide in March 2020 and distributed it by e-mail to its members. In view of the forthcoming Passover celebration in the year 5780 / 2020, this guideline is about recommendations for the purchase of food not marked with the special kosher1 ... Show Source >