The founding of the Jewish community center and
its opening ceremony in the
Hamburg neighborhood of
Rotherbaum on January 9, 1938 was an unmistakable sign of
self-assertion and spiritual resistance. It was reflected in the inaugural
speech given by banker
Max Moritz
Warburg, both in his words and between the lines. The typewritten
manuscript of this speech is 6.5 pages long and is kept at the
Leo Baeck Institute in
New York. It
was thanks to
Warburg’s financial and personal support that the project
Jüdisches Gemeinschaftshaus
G.m.b.H.” was realized, creating a venue for the
Hamburg Jewish Cultural
Association , which had
been banned from its previous performance venues.
Warburg was not only one of
Jewish Cultural Association's
most important supporters, but
also the association’s advocate in its constant conflicts with the
German-Israelite Congregation.
While the opening of the community center on
Hartungstraße 9–11
certainly represents a significant marker in
Hamburg’s Jewish
cultural life during the
Socialist regime, it is its history prior to and after this event in
particular that makes this place so special.
Greeting by Max Warburg on the Occasion of the Opening of the Jewish Community Center, Hamburg, January 9, 1938 (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History,
<> [February 14, 2025].