Memorandum by the Superior School Authority – School Administration, November 24, 1938

Source Description

This ca. one page­long mem­o­ran­dum writ­ten by the Ham­burg school ad­min­is­tra­tion au­thor­ity and dated No­vem­ber 24, 1938 records a state­ment by Arthur Spier, di­rec­tor of the Tal­mud Torah School and the Is­raelitis­cher Gemein­de­ver­band Ham­burg's As­so­ci­a­tion of Is­raelite Com­mu­ni­ties in Ham­burg del­e­gate for ed­u­ca­tional mat­ters, on the Tal­mud Torah School’s ad­mis­sion pol­icy. This mem­o­ran­dum be­longs to a se­ries of mem­o­randa writ­ten by the school ad­min­is­tra­tion au­thor­ity doc­u­ment­ing their con­ver­sa­tions with Arthur Spier and the sit­u­a­tion of the Tal­mud Torah School.

With re­gard to the school’s ad­mis­sion pol­icy, Spier states that the Tal­mud Torah School only ad­mit­ted stu­dents of the Jew­ish faith ac­cord­ing to its by-​laws. The de­ci­sive fac­tor was a stu­dent’s be­long­ing to the Jew­ish faith, not mem­ber­ship in the As­so­ci­a­tion of Is­raelite Com­mu­ni­ties Is­raelitis­cher Gemein­de­ver­band. He gives sev­eral ex­am­ples to il­lus­trate this point. Under the cir­cum­stances at the time, how­ever, the school was will­ing to admit all stu­dents – in­clud­ing those who did not iden­tify as Jew­ish – who were ex­cluded from the pub­lic schools based on the Nurem­berg Laws. Chil­dren who be­longed to an­other re­li­gion, such as Chris­tian­ity for ex­am­ple, were ex­cluded from ad­mis­sion. The last para­graph of the mem­o­ran­dum states that Spier had sub­se­quently re­voked this re­stric­tion and that the school was now will­ing to admit Chris­tians – bap­tized “Jews” – while ex­cus­ing them from re­li­gious ed­u­ca­tion classes. The mem­o­ran­dum is signed with the ab­bre­vi­a­tion “Sch.” Most likely it stands for Stu­di­en­rat Schallehn of the school ad­min­is­tra­tion au­thor­ity.

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Recommended Citation

Memorandum by the Superior School Authority – School Administration, November 24, 1938 (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, <> [March 29, 2025].