Source Description
The P. Walter Jacob
Archive, part of the Walter A. Berendsohn Research Center
for German Exile Literature, houses a part of Berendsohn’s estate which
includes his extensive correspondence. This handwritten draft of a two-page
letter Berendsohn
wrote or sent on September 1st, 1965 in
Sweden, stems from the archive. It is unclear
whether the note “sent” refers to the date or was made for filing purposes. The
letter is addressed to his colleague Karl Ludwig Schneider, a
professor at Hamburg
literature department,
who did not reply until two months later since he was in the United States at the
time. The draft letter written on the back of a newsletter by the Jakob Hegner publishing
company contains several emphases, insertions, and deletions. As
was his habit, Berendsohn not only noted that this was a draft but he also
added the geographical specification “West Germany”, as he
did in all his letters addressed to the Federal Republic of
Germany. In his letter to Schneider, Berendsohn explained his
plans for returning to Hamburg
University as a visiting lecturer teaching
exile literature in the summer semester of 1966.
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Recommended Citation
Letter by Walter A. Berendsohn to Karl Ludwig Schneider, September 1, 1965 (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History,
<> [February 17, 2025].