[piano music]
Haven’t you seen little
Have you seen him during inflation?
How he grubbed dollars,
Managed every kind of graft?
Everything was for a purpose
Every little bit
of filth!
In art just as in ready-to-wear clothing
little Cohn once has
Done his business,
Hoarding goods.
But today
every Tom, Dick, and Harry knows:
We have put a stop to it.
It has only just become
public knowledge that the seven hundred thousand Jews This figure is greatly exaggerated. According the the results of
the census, in May 1939 there were still 302,000 ‘Jews by religion‘
(‘Glaubensjuden‘) living in Germany and Austria. If one takes into account that
after the November 1938 pogrom, many Jews began to flee in panic, the number of
Jews living in the German Reich in November 1938 was probably somewhere between
350,000 and 400,000.
still remaining in Germany still own a fortune
of eight billion marks.
[piano music, melody “Ten Little
Eight billion bucks
Is what they had left,
One of them was paid as fines,
And then there were
only seven.
[piano music, end of song]
Abroad they are outraged
about it,
And they rant: Have you heard?
No, what is it?
Oh, it is
terrible For those poor people
Only have seven billion marks left
Oh, how
they have suffered,
And now, indubitably
Their businesses will be trimmed,
No, you don’t say. One cries;
And our Western fortifications
opposed by thick wailing walls
Yes, outside
They run with the
They scare and they are horrified,
Well, fine.
[piano music]
Haven’t you seen little
Have you seen him during inflation?
How he grubbed dollars,
Managed every kind of graft?
Everything was for a purpose
Every little bit
of filth!
In art just as in ready-to-wear clothing
little Cohn once has
Done his business,
Hoarding goods.
But today
every Tom, Dick, and Harry knows:
We have put a stop to it.
Rulandseck, November 1938, Herbert Heinemann: The Three Rulands, Reichssender Hamburg, November 23, 1938 (00:00-1:58) (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, <https://dx.doi.org/10.23691/jgo:source-96.en.v1> [March 09, 2025].