Source Description
Few personal records of Agathe
Lasch have survived. Therefore, her two handwritten CVs, which are
preserved in the State
Archives in
Hamburg, are all the
more valuable. The first one is handwritten but not dated; the second one is a
typewritten two-part version, dated and signed in
Agathe Lasch’s own
handwriting. The first part therefore dates from 1921, the
second one from 1926. Both curricula
vitae are unusual documents from a time when
Hamburg’s former
was transformed into a
university and, after a long
struggle, women finally gained official access to higher education.
Agathe Lasch, however, did
not apply to the newly founded
university as a
student; she was already an experienced
scholar who confidently highlighted her exceptional
qualifications in both of her CVs. The first, shorter
curriculum vitae was written in the course of her
habilitation procedure, the second one in the context of her appointment to a
professorship at the University of
which made her the first female professor in German studies in
Germany. Attached to
the second curriculum vitae is a “biographical
form” and a list of publications, which show that
Lasch had published
continuously in recognized journals since receiving her doctorate in
Heidelberg in
1909 and that she had developed new topics beyond her
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Recommended Citation
Agathe Lasch’s Curriculum Vitae, 1921 (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History,
<> [February 22, 2025].