Ludwig Berger, About Johannes Brahms the Man. Commemorative Speech Given at a Celebration Hosted by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg on the Occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th Birthday on May 7, 1958, Hamburg

English Translation

    Mr. Mayor, Mr. Pres­i­dent, Ladies and Gen­tle­men who are gath­ered here in cel­e­bra­tion,
    Allow me to speak of Jo­hannes Brahms the man, as his works speak for them­selves, have long be­come com­mon knowl­edge not only in Ger­many but world­wide and there­fore re­quire no com­men­tary.
    [Let me speak] of the shy­ness, humor and sen­si­tiv­ity of this Ham­burg cit­i­zen and of the no­bil­ity of char­ac­ter of this sim­ple mu­si­cian's son, which ex­pressed it­self in pride and mod­esty, and of his mas­ter­ing a life in which co­in­ci­dence, love and soli­tude in­ter­sected in the most mag­i­cal ways.
    There is no sen­ti­ment among the Ger­man peo­ple, no ten­der yearn­ing and no de­lib­er­ate pri­va­tion that has not been con­sol­i­dated and ro­man­ti­cized in the face and the vi­sion of the man we are cel­e­brat­ing today. Jo­hannes Brahms is a great son of the city of Ham­burg, but be­yond that he is a true son of Ger­many. The por­trait of him as a young man, which shows an ex­pres­sion of Hölderlinesque pu­rity and ro­man­tic re­flec­tion that seems caught in a dream, is just as Ger­man as the later car­i­ca­tures of the pudgy el­derly gen­tle­man who hides his great kind­ness be­hind a big bushy beard and who prefers to joke with those he holds dear as if they were chil­dren so that he can avoid re­veal­ing the emo­tions flow­ing dra­mat­i­cally and earnestly, lov­ingly and melan­choly into the heart of the world.
    In Eng­land, “planta genista,” the scrubby, gray-​green com­mon broom with its golden yel­low flow­ers, fea­tures on the crest of a royal house, the “Planta genet;” in Ger­many planta genista is still called “Brahm” where it grows nat­u­rally, in the re­gions of Dith­marschen and Hol­stein. And “Brahms,” or ac­tu­ally “Brahmst,” with a “t” at the end, means “son of the heath.” Thus the land­scape that be­comes the pri­mal source of this North Ger­man mas­ter's strength is al­ready em­bed­ded in his name.
    De­scended from an old fam­ily of farm­ers, his lik­able kind­ness often swings into rude­ness, which is noth­ing but a cloak the aging man drapes around him­self be­cause he es­sen­tially re­mains help­less against the world and its peo­ple. []
    His shy­ness of other peo­ple al­ways stood in his way. When­ever he could, he would avoid un­ex­pected en­coun­ters, and the more fa­mous he be­came, the more mis­chie­vous he got. One day as he was leav­ing his apart­ment in Vi­enna, he met a young man down­stairs at the gates. “Does Mas­ter Brahms live here?,” the stranger in­quired. “Cer­tainly, Sir, on the third floor,” Brahms replied with par­tic­u­lar kind­ness and fled as fast as he could. Was that Ham­burg in his blood?
    It is mov­ing how this son of Ham­burg has courted and strug­gled for the love of his home town, how he keeps com­ing home, al­ways hop­ing that the place where he be­longs will give him an op­por­tu­nity to work there, and how the an­gels even­tu­ally car­ried him, dis­ap­pointed, to an en­tirely dif­fer­ent place, to the more ten­der gar­dens of Vi­enna, where his ge­nius could un­fold its in­her­ent grace to its full bloom, for the best men of this time had been gifted with grace­ful­ness de­spite their mar­tial full beards, and be­hind the wildest manes there often were chil­dren's eyes look­ing de­voutly and starry-​eyed out at the world. This also ex­plains the un­end­ing love for folk songs that has in­spired these heirs to Ro­man­ti­cism. It is not a sign of res­ig­na­tion when the penul­ti­mate major work that Brahms pub­lishes as he is near­ing his end con­sists of seven vol­umes of folk songs, in fact it is a con­fes­sion of faith. The folk song, the clar­inet, the love for which Mühlfeld had awak­ened in him, and the bib­li­cal text of the solemn vo­cals all con­clude the mas­ter­piece of a life which the bearer of this life had imag­ined very dif­fer­ently.
    He would have liked, as he said, to have been a de­cent, bour­geois man, he would have liked to marry and live like oth­ers. “Now I am a vagabond,” he grum­bles about the in­jus­tice of the world that de­nied him the per­ma­nent em­ploy­ment he longed for; but de­spite this long­ing for a home and a hearth the hap­pi­ness he sac­ri­ficed be­came a boon to his oeu­vre. []

    Source Description

    On May 7, 1958 Ludwig Berger, a once celebrated theater director and author largely forgotten today, gave a commemorative address at Hamburg’s Musikhalle as part of the “Brahms Festwoche” festival held on the occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th birthday. Berger’s roughly 60-minute long speech was distributed as an LP by Hamburg record company Teldec in a limited edition and also published in print, first by the Hamburg senate and later by the Tübingen-based Wunderlich publishing house. The fact that a German artist with Jewish roots was invited as a speaker by Hamburg’s office of cultural affairs may have been a result of efforts to distance the event from the “Reichs-Brahmsfest” held 25 years earlier, on the occasion of Brahms’ centennial in May 1933. Although its planning went back to 1931, this celebration had been appropriated at least in part for nationalist purposes by the recently installed Nazi regime.

    In the con­text of the 1933 “Reichs-​Brahmsfest” ru­mors had emerged that the Ham­burg com­poser was of Jew­ish de­scent (his last name was sup­posed to have been de­rived from “Abra­ham­son”). Peri Arndt, Das Gerücht über Brahms’ jüdische Ab­stam­mung, in: Ar­beits­gruppe Ex­il­musik am Musik­wis­senschaftlichen In­sti­tut der Universität Ham­burg (ed.), Das „Reichs-​Brahmsfest“ 1933 in Ham­burg. Rekon­struk­tion und Doku­men­ta­tion, Ham­burg 1997, pp. 119–120. Whether Berger knew of these ru­mors is not known, in­ter­est­ingly though, he also dis­cusses the ori­gins of the Brahms fam­ily name in his speech.

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    Recommended Citation

    Ludwig Berger, About Johannes Brahms the Man. Commemorative Speech Given at a Celebration Hosted by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg on the Occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th Birthday on May 7, 1958, Hamburg (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, <> [March 28, 2025].