In 1834, following several anti-Jewish excesses in
Hamburg, the
Jewish jurist and native,
Gabriel Riesser,
commissioned by the Committee for the Improvement of the
Civil Conditions of Israelites
, wrote “
Denkschrift über die bürgerlichen Verhältnisse der Hamburgischen
Israeliten” [“A Memorandum Concerning the Civil Conditions of the
Israelites of
Hamburg”], which was presented to the
Council as a petition. In
this document, comprising 120 printed pages, the author
raised various problems in connection to the citizenship right
, which he linked to a historical survey. The present
excerpted text from the memorandum summarizes the essence of
Riesser’s argument on behalf
equality of status for
Jews. He here advocates the “full legal
equality of all citizens, without distinction of
faith” as an important prerequisite for the well-being of the state.
Gabriel Riesser, A Memorandum Concerning the Civil Conditions of Hamburg Israelites, Submitted. in their support, as a Petition to the Highly Noble and Wise Council. Printed as a Manuscript for the Members of the One Highly Noble and Wise Council and Their Equally Highly Commendable Citizen Colleagues, Hamburg 1834, pp. 6-7 (translated by Richard S. Levy), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History,
<> [March 09, 2025].