On July 12, 1934, the date of this letter, the “Jewish Society for Arts and Science” Jüdische Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft, an association registered in Hamburg, had been in existence for six months. It offered Jewish artists and scientists who had lost their jobs as a result of National Socialist legislation new opportunities to perform and thus financial support. Leopold Sachse, the director of the Hamburg City Theater, now the State Opera, who was dismissed in 1933, was the artistic director of the Society. In his letter, he turned to Anny Gowa, stage and costume designer, married to Ferdinand Gowa. The literary scholar and lawyer Gowa, jokingly referred to here as "my dear colleague", was the Society's managing director. Sachse informed Anny Gowa that the costume designs she had submitted had met with a very positive response and would be adopted for the planned production once a contract had been signed. In the course of a correspondence in 1992, Anny Gowa provided the author with a copy of the letter.
Letter from Leopold Sachse to Anny Gowa, Hamburg July 12, 1934 (translated by Erwin Fink), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, <https://keydocuments.net/source/jgo:source-252> [February 14, 2025].