First Senate Ruling of February 10, 1892 Approving the Petitioner’s “Application to Change His Name”

Source Description

This one-​page, hand­writ­ten rul­ing is the reply to a re­quest sub­mit­ted in 1892 by then 21-​year-old Hans Julius Op­pen­heim. He had asked per­mis­sion to use the fam­ily name Lübbert-​Oppenheim in­stead of Op­pen­heim, his last name until then. The sen­ate ap­proved his name change, but not in the form he re­quested: his fam­ily name was to be Oppenheim-​Lübbert in­stead. The rul­ing was writ­ten on a stamped form is­sued by the Ham­burg sen­ate and bear­ing the city seal.

This doc­u­ment (No. A I 11.1) is in the col­lec­tion of the Oppenheim-​Lübbert fam­ily archive, which is housed in the Ham­burg State Archive, call num­ber StAHH col­lec­tion 622-1/533 Oppenheim-​Lübbert.

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Recommended Citation

First Senate Ruling of February 10, 1892 Approving the Petitioner’s “Application to Change His Name” (translated by Insa Kummer), edited in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, <> [March 29, 2025].