This postcard was sold in souvenir shops in the
Baltic resort of
Zinnowitz alongside the usual souvenir postcards. Tourists
of an
bent could send them to likeminded people as a greeting or use it to sing
along when the
Zinnowitz resort band played the song at the finale of each
The songwriter is unknown, and it is uncertain what the
initials “H. Gr.” on the postcard stand for. In 1922, a postcard featuring the “
Zinnowitz song” was
forwarded to the
“Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen
Glaubens” [Central Association of German Citizens of the
Jewish Faith], which kept a file on the
Baltic resort of
Zinnowitz (island of
Usedom). Today the
surviving files are located at the
Arkhiv (Special Archive) in
There also is a microfiche copy at the
Central Archives for the History of
the Jewish People in
Jerusalem (a copy
of the postcard is filed in the CV holdings, file no. 2405). This image of
the postcard was taken from a DVD collection titled “
Spott und Hetze. Antisemitische Postkarten 1893-1945. Aus der Sammlung Wolfgang
Haney” (
Berlin, 2008).