Historical regions
Former administrative division
Mentioned in
A Contest as an Attempt to Revive Jewish Tradition
(Helga Krohn)
- A Conversation with Arnold Bernstein, in: Sonntagsblatt Staats-Zeitung und Herold, November 24, 1957
A Difficult Return: A letter from a Jewish remigrant to the head of the Hamburg Congregation
(Anna Koch)
Administered Restitution. Expropriation and “Compensation”: The Case of Elsa Saenger
(Sina Sauer)
- Agathe Lasch’s Curriculum Vitae, 1921
An Ashkenazic-Sephardic Marriage against the Father’s Will
(Monika Richarz)
Antisemitism and Persecution
(Werner Bergmann)
Antisemitism in the Postwar Period. The Case of Friedrich Nieland
(Werner Bergmann)
Appeal to Create a Jewish Memorial Cemetery in Ohlsdorf
(Ina Lorenz)
Appointment of Chief Rabbi Anschel Stern of Hamburg to Honorary Membership in the Israelite congregation of Lübeck
(Nadine Garling)
Around the Alster, Around the World – the Wolf Brothers in Exile in Shanghai
(Xin Tong)
Arts and Culture
(Anthony Kauders)
Between Remembrance and a New Beginning – the Groundbreaking of the Synagogue at Hohe Weide on November 9, 1958
(Anna Menny)
Beyond Role Clichés – Motorcycle Sportswoman and Journalist Hertha Herrmann
(Frauke Steinhäuser)
- Call for the Founding of a Jewish Library and Reading Room, Hamburg, October 1905
Cheskel Zwi Klötzel, Moses Pipenbrink's Adventures. A Young Adult Novel between Urban Adventure and Zionist Utopia
(Michael Nagel)
Continuities in a Historiography Overshadowed by Its National Socialist Past?
(Dirk Rupnow)
- Decision by the German Rabbinical Conference of November 1991
- DECLARATION BY PRESENT OWNER OR CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY WHICH HAS BEEN SUBJECT TO TRANSFER IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 1 OF GENERAL ORDER No. 10 / Erklärung des jetzigen Eigentümers oder Verwalters von Vermögen, das unter Artikel 1 Absatz 1 der allgemeinen Verfügung Nr. 10 fällt
Demographics and Social Structure
(Miriam Rürup)
Design plans for the Jewish retirement home
(Alexandra Klei)
- Dibere Haberith or: Letters from the most eminent Rabbis and Rabbinic Boards Consistories of the most excellent Israelite Congregations of Germany, Poland, and Italy concerning the erection of the “New Temple-Association” in Hamburg by a few individuals of the present Israelite Congregation – contrary to the laws of Judaism. Faithfully translated from the Hebrew into German. Altona, printed by the Brothers Bonn, 1819
Economy and Occupational Patterns
(Uffa Jensen)
- Eduard Israel Kley, “The Spirit of the Israelite Elementary Schools,” in: Sulamith: a Periodical for the Advancement of Culture and Humanity among the Israelites, 6 (1821), ed. by David Fränkel, pp. 383-398. [Excerpt from pp. 383-386]
Education and Learning
(Ingrid Lohmann)
Education and Reform. The Israelite Free School in the Context of Civic Emancipation
(Carsten Schapkow)
- Erich Lüth to Arie Goral, Hamburg February, 26 1953
- Excerpt from the memoirs of Rudolf Heymann, Back through Life, a Monologue for Listening for Descendants [Zurück durchs Leben, Ein Monolog zum Mithören für Nachgeborene], edited and published by Maya and Liane Aviram, FZH Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte
Exile and Exile Literature. Walter A. Berendsohn’s struggle to return to Hamburg University
(Andreas Marquet)
- Flyer by the Hamburg Chapter of the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbüger jüdischen Glaubens [Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith ], April 1932
Founding of the Jewish Sports Club Bar Kochba, 1910
(Ivonne Meybohm)
- Friedrich Nieland, How Many World (Money) Wars Must the Peoples of the World Lose? Open Letter to all Government Ministers and Members of Parliament of the Federal Republic, pp. 3–4, Hamburg 1957
From Hamburg out into the World—Jewish Emigration and the Aid Organization of German Jews
(David Hamann)
Gabriel Riesser and the Emancipation Debate in Hamburg
(Arno Herzig)
- Guidelines for Celebrating Passover 5780
Hamburg’s Jews Take Permanent Family Names
(Johannes Czakai)
- Hannah Arendt, Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Field Reports, 1948–1951, Field Report No. 18, February 15 – March 10, 1950
Haute Couture from Israel. Designer Galia Lahav and Hamburg’s Past as a Place for Jewish Fashion Houses
(Julie Grimmeisen)
Helen Rosenau, Aspiring Art Historian and Archaeologist
(Jannik Sachweh)
- Helen Rosenau, Changing Attitudes towards Women, in: Free German League of Culture in Great Britain (ed.), Women under the Swastika, London 1942, pp. 26-27.
- Henry Cohen to the Hamburg Jewish Congregation, Tientsin, December 29, 1946
Hermann Zvi Guttmann and His Design for the New Synagogue at Hohe Weide
(Alexandra Klei)
- Hertha Hermann, “We Women as . . . Women Drivers!”, in: Altonaer Nachrichten, Hamburger neueste Zeitung, 2nd supplement to No. 77, April 1, 1931, p. 9
Ida Ehre and Hamburg’s Kammerspiele Theater
(Michaela Giesing)
In Search of Belonging. Jacob Sonderling’s “This is my Life”
(Sarah Panter)
- Interview with Elsa Davidsohn, conducted by Jens Michelsen on July 24, 2001 [in excerpts], FZH/WdE 433.
- Interview with Esther Bejarano, conducted by Linde Apel on March 4, 2003, FZH/WdE 744.
- Interview with Kurt van der Walde, conducted by Alfons Kenkmann, on May 9 and 30, 1994, FZH / WdE 251.
- Interview with Ruth Dräger, née Geistlich, conducted by Linde Apel, on September 13, 2007 [in excerpts].
- Interview with Uzai Menachem, conducted by Sybille Baumbach, on 22.8.1993.
- Jacob Sonderling, This is my Life (Memoirs), Los Angeles, 1961-1964 [Excerpt], p. 3-5.
Jewish cultural assets in the postwar period. Hannah Arendt’s report on the situation in Hamburg
(Elisabeth Gallas)
Jewish Martial Arts. Hamburg’s Sports Club “Schild”
(Erik Petry)
- Johann Gottfried Gurlitt, Observations Concerning Preparatory Instruction for the University, especially in Hebrew, Hamburg, 1810 in: Notice of Lectures in the Academic High School of Hamburgakademisches Gymnasium, held from Easter 1809 until Easter 1810, as well as Announcement of Lectures from Easter 1810 until Easter 1811, Hamburg 1810, pp. 3-16, here pp. 9-10.
Kindertransport and Jewish International Aid Networks
(Clemens Maier-Wolthausen)
Law and Politics
(Uffa Jensen)
Leisure and Sports
(Kirsten Heinsohn)
- Letter by Fritz Klesper to the President of Hamburg’s Finance Office (May 2, 1947)
- Letter by Walter A. Berendsohn to Karl Ludwig Schneider, September 1, 1965
- Letter from Arie Goral to Erich Lüth, Munich, January 17, 1953
- Letter from Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber to Senator Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg, May 13, 1964
- Letter from Jacob H. Schiff (New York) to Max Warburg (Hamburg), January 28, 1915
- Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bischop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, July 13, 1964
- Letter from the German Motion Picture Rating Agency to CCC-Filmkunst LLC, Wiesbaden. Dated May 8, 1990 Regarding the Rating of the Movie “Der Rosengarten” [“The Rose Garden”]
- Letter of Recommendation for Siegfried Landshut, New York, March 5, 1936
- Letter to the Board of the German-Israelite Congregation in Hamburg Regarding the Adoption of Fixed Family Names, Hamburg, May 4, 1848
- Letter Written by Salomo A. Birnbaum to Peter Freimark, Downsview (Ontario), July 12, 1983
Local Remembrance. The Sephardic Synagogue on Altona’s Bäckerstraße
(Alexandra Klei)
Love for One’s Homeland and Longing for Recognition. Ludwig Berger’s Commemorative Speech on Johannes Brahms
(Christian Rogowski)
- Ludwig Berger, About Johannes Brahms the Man. Commemorative Speech Given at a Celebration Hosted by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg on the Occasion of Johannes Brahms’ 125th Birthday on May 7, 1958, Hamburg
- Martha Glass, Travel Diary during her passage from Bremerhaven to New York, February 27, 1947-March 14, 1947
- Martha Glass, Travel Diary during her stay in Germany and Austria, July 03 - October 16, 1953
Martha Glass. “Every day in Theresin is a gift”
(Barbara Müller-Wesemann)
- Martha Glass: Theresienstadt Diaries 1943-1945
Memory and Remembrance
(Beate Meyer)
(Tobias Brinkmann)
Modern Jewish Social Work. The Israelite-Humanitarian Women’s Association
(Magdalena Gehring)
Narrative Layers of History. The Oral History Interviews with Holocaust Survivor Esther Bauer
(Andrea Althaus, Linde Apel)
Organizations and Institutions
(Rainer Liedtke)
- Otto Armin (=Alfred Roth), The Jews in the Army. A statistical analysis based on official sources, Munich 1919
Paul Dessau’s “Hagadah.” A Passover Oratorio Reflecting Contemporary History
(Daniela Reinhold)
Pine Trees by the Sea: Interiors as a Window into a Family History
(Maximilian Ferst)
Preparations for Passover during COVID-19
(Robert Jütte)
Radio Appeal for an Anti-Jewish Boycott
(Michael Grüttner)
- Radio Broadcast By Karl Kaufmann: “Against the Lies of Our Enemies about Supposed Events in Hamburg,” Reichssender Hamburg, March 29, 1933
Religion and Identity
(Andreas Brämer)
- Reply letter from the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg to Henry Cohen, February 10, 1947
- Report by the Zionist Chapter Hamburg-Altona, in “Jüdische Rundschau” XI (1906), Vol. 14–15 (April 6, 1906), p. 214f.
- Report of the Pastor Johann Jacob Schudt on an Encounter with the “Wealthy“ Jew Diego Teixeira in Hamburg, 1714
- Report on the Status of the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg, November 17, 1952
Return in Uniform. Walter Albert Eberstadt and the Beginning of Radio Hamburg
(Hans-Ulrich Wagner)
Rothenbaumchaussee 38: The Treatment of Jewish Property in the Postwar Period
(Hendrik Althoff)
Ruben Maleachi’s Visit to the Portuguese Sephardi Synagogue in Hamburg and Sephardic-Ashkenazic Relations in Early Twentieth-Century Hamburg
(Constanze Kolbe)
- Rulandseck, November 1938, Herbert Heinemann: The Three Rulands, Reichssender Hamburg, November 23, 1938 (00:00-1:58)
Salomo Birnbaum's experiences at Hamburg University
(David Birnbaum)
(Lilian Türk)
Scientific Networks – Arabist Hedwig Klein’s Attempt to Emigrate
(Elke-Vera Kotowski)
Self-Assertion and Spiritual Resistance. The History of the Jewish Community Center in Hamburg
(Barbara Müller-Wesemann)
Sephardic Jews in Hamburg
(Michael Studemund-Halévy)
Soup Kitchen Collection. The Jewish Winter Relief in Hamburg
(Ina Lorenz)
- Speech by Gustav Tuch, President of the Henry Jones Lodge, in: The Meeting Hall in Hamburg. Publication Commemorating Its Inauguration. Sunday, August 28, 1904, pp. 25-30 [Excerpt]
- Speech Given by Mayor Max Brauer on the Occasion of the Groundbreaking for the Synagogue at Hohe Weide, November 9, 1958
- Telegram from Erich Lüth to Arie Goral, April 7, 1953
The Aftermath of Exile. Children’s Book Author Grete Berges Returns to Hamburg
(Jasmin Centner)
The Ashkenazic Physician Simon Lefmans. Jewish Physician and Antisemitic Resistance
(Anna von Villiez)
The Banning of Jews from Visiting Museums
(Olaf Matthes, Christina Ewald)
The Boys from the Gush. Transporting Zionist Values in Young Adult Literature
(Hadassah Stichnothe)
The Case of the Jewish Cemetery in Ottensen
(Ina Lorenz)
The Centralverein’s Opposition to National Socialism
(Avraham Barkai, Pavel Golubev)
The Controversial Mission to the Jews. A 1964 Correspondence between Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg’s Senator for Interior Affairs, and Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber
(Rainer Hering)
The Debate on Kosher Butchering in Hamburg. Discussions on Its Ban during the Weimar Republic
(Pavel Golubev)
The Disenfranchisement of Jewish Physicians in Hamburg during National Socialism
(Anna von Villiez)
The Extension Building (1928-1931) of the Israelite Hospital in Hamburg
(Harro Jenss)
The Founding of a new Jewish Congregation in Hamburg (1945). The Twelve “Founding Fathers.”
(Ina Lorenz)
The Founding of the Jewish Library and Reading Room
(Alice Jankowski)
The Franz Rosenzweig Memorial Foundation
(Ina Lorenz)
The Funerary Monument for Dr. Gabriel Riesser at the Jewish Cemetery on Ilandkoppel / Hamburg Ohlsdorf
(Annabelle Lienhart)
The Hall of Mirrors from Hamburg's Budge Palais
(Silke Reuther)
The Heinrich Barth Straße Synagogue and the Transnational Links between Stockholm and Hamburg
(Maja Hultman)
The Henry Jones Lodge. Jewish Self-confidence and the Path into the Modern Age
(Rebekka Großmann)
The Memoirs of Cantor Joseph Cysner. A rare testimonial of the Polenaktion
(Bonnie M. Harris)
- The Memoirs of Cantor Joseph Cysner: Testimonials of the Polenaktion and His Zbąszyń Internment, probably written at Zbąszyń, October 30, 1938
The November Pogroms and the Culture of Remembrance – the “Synagogue Monument” by Margrit Kahl
(Harald Schmid)
The Number of Jews in Hamburg on April 30, 1945
(Jörg Berkemann)
The Reopening of the Joseph Carlebach School
(Stephanie Kowitz-Harms)
The Role of the Hamburg-Bergedorf Tax Office [Finanzamt Hamburg-Bergedorf] and the Hamburg Exchange Control Office [Hamburger Devisenstelle] in the Twofold Plundering of the Jewish Lavy Family in 1938 and 1947–1951
(Bernhard Nette)
The Stolpersteine of Brahmsallee 13: The Stories behind the Names and the Obstacles to Commemorating Them
(Beate Meyer)
- The Synagogue on Bibliotheksgata – Saved from the “Kristallnacht”, in: Dagens Nyheter, November 10, 1958, p. 12
The Zinnowitz Song: A Symbol of Resort Antisemitism
(Frank Bajohr)
The “Rulands-Eck.” Antisemitism in Cabaret
(Michael Grüttner)
Transnational Networks and Questions of Belonging. An Exchange of Letters Between Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg During World War I.
(Sarah Panter)
What happened in Hamburg. . .: A Western Yiddish Song about Polish Jews in 17th century Hamburg
(Diana Matut)
“Against Oblivion” – Cinematic Remembrance in “The Rose Garden”
(Lea Wohl von Haselberg)
“I know few people who seem so qualified to do so…” A Letter of Recommendation for Siegfried Landshut
(Lisa Gerlach)
“It Cost Me 20 Years to Defeat Hitler.” Hamburg Shipping Company Owner Arnold Bernstein in the USA
(Björn Siegel)
“Mother Borchardt” – a Jewish Shipping Company Owner
(Rebekka Großmann)
“Neues Bauen” and Jewish Architecture. Photograph of the Temple on Oberstraße
(Ulrich Knufinke)
“Swept back into the unseen vastness of the sea” - Fritz Buff’s account of his voyage aboard the ST. LOUIS, May and June 1939
(Matthias Loeber)
“tear down outdated […] views”. Agathe Lasch, an academic revolutionary
(Inge Stephan)
“The Enemy is in the Country: The Jew.” Poster Stamps Printed by the Deutschvölkischen Schutz- und Trutz-Bundes [German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation]
(Martin Ulmer)
“The Jews’ Residence”: Orthodox Lutheran Attitudes towards the Coexistence of Jews and Christians
(Jutta Braden)
“The Rich Jew”: An Anti-Judaic Anecdote about the Religious Social Order in 17th century Hamburg
(Jutta Braden)
“This cannot end well.” Käthe Starke-Goldschmidt's Memories of Theresienstadt
(Linde Apel)
“When it really mattered ...” - A Daughter’s Memories of Her Mother
(Erika Hirsch)