Helen Rosenau, Aspiring Art Historian and Archaeologist

Jannik Sachweh

Source Description

Helen Rosenau was an art historian and archaeologist who had to flee Germany for England in 1933 after the Nazis came to power. After her emigration, she, like numerous other Jewish scholars, found herself in a precarious situation. In her publications, a clear political positioning now became visible for the first time. In 1942, she wrote the present article for the publication „Women under the Swastika“ published by the Free German League of Culture in Great Britain Freier deutscher Kulturbund in Großbritannien, an organization of emigrants. The League saw itself as a non-partisan refugee organization dedicated to teaching German culture. It was close to the German Communist Party (KPD). Nevertheless, it fulfilled an important task for many, even non-Communist, refugees in England. In her publication, Rosenau examined the role of women in National Socialist Germany and outlined the development of a German feminism. In doing so, she translated Friedrich Schleiermacher's 1798 “Idea for a Catechism for Noble Women” into English and compared these ideas to the reality of women under National Socialism. Rosenau expressed the hope that the German feminist movement would be resurrected in the future.
  • Jannik Sachweh

Science and politics

In the course of the Sec­ond World War, a sig­nif­i­cant change in Helen Rose­nau’s pub­lish­ing ac­tiv­i­ties be­came ap­par­ent. Rose­nau, an art his­to­rian and ar­chae­ol­o­gist who had al­ready em­i­grated to Eng­land in 1933, now pub­lished ex­plic­itly po­lit­i­cal writ­ings in ad­di­tion to schol­arly ar­ti­cles. In doing so, she com­bined her pro­fes­sional in­ter­est in the so­cial po­si­tion of women in art with his­tor­i­cal ob­ser­va­tions, from which she de­rived clear de­mands for her present and fu­ture. In 1942, she pub­lished the present ar­ti­cle, “Chang­ing At­ti­tudes to­ward Women,” pub­lished by the Free Ger­man Cul­tural As­so­ci­a­tion Freier deutscher Kul­tur­bund in Großbritannien. In this pub­li­ca­tion, Rose­nau ad­dressed the role of women in Na­tional So­cial­ist Ger­many. The text of­fers a glimpse into the sit­u­a­tion of women schol­ars in exile. As a source, it speaks to top­ics rel­e­vant to the his­tory of sci­ence and cul­tural his­tory. In order to un­der­stand the sig­nif­i­cance of the ar­ti­cle in the con­text of its cre­ation, we need to con­sider Helen Rose­nau’s bi­og­ra­phy first.

Helen Rosenau, aspiring art historian and archaeologist at the end of the Weimar Republic

Reg­u­lar en­roll­ment at a uni­ver­sity in Ger­many had only be­come pos­si­ble for women through­out the Ger­man Em­pire from 1908. This right of en­roll­ment was fol­lowed by civic rights after the end of the First World War in 1918 and fi­nally by the right to ha­bil­i­tate at uni­ver­si­ties in 1919. An aca­d­e­mic ca­reer was thus open to women from this point on, at least legally. Helen Rose­nau, born in 1900, stud­ied art his­tory, ar­chae­ol­ogy and phi­los­o­phy from 1923 in Mu­nich with Hein­rich Wöllflin, in Berlin with Adolph Gold­schmidt, in Bonn with Paul Clemen, at the Uni­ver­sity of Halle with Paul Frankl and at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity in Berlin. She spent the last pe­riod of her stud­ies in Ham­burg, where she stud­ied with Erwin Panof­sky and re­searched the ar­chi­tec­tural his­tory of Chris­t­ian sa­cred build­ings.

The sub­ject of art his­tory in par­tic­u­lar at­tracted young women after the end of the First World War. Many of these new fe­male stu­dents came from the ed­u­cated middle-​class Jew­ish com­mu­nity. Thus, the pro­por­tion of Jew­ish fe­male stu­dents in this sub­ject was sig­nif­i­cantly higher than the over­all av­er­age for uni­ver­si­ties. The com­bi­na­tion of art his­tory and clas­si­cal ar­chae­ol­ogy cho­sen by Rose­nau was pop­u­lar with many fe­male stu­dents.

In 1930, Helen Rose­nau re­ceived her doc­tor­ate from the Uni­ver­sity of Ham­burg. She wrote a the­sis on Cologne Cathe­dral, fo­cus­ing on its ar­chi­tec­tural his­tory and the his­tor­i­cal unique­ness of the church. For this work, she also con­ducted ar­chae­o­log­i­cal ex­ca­va­tions. Thus, ac­cord­ing to Panof­sky, Rose­nau wrote the first mod­ern ar­chi­tec­tural his­tory of Cologne Cathe­dral.

Rose­nau wanted to con­tinue her aca­d­e­mic ca­reer after her doc­tor­ate and in a next step ha­bil­i­tate under Mar­tin Wack­er­nagel in Münster. She went to Bre­men to re­search the build­ing his­tory of St. Peter's Cathe­dral through an ar­chae­o­log­i­cal in­ves­ti­ga­tion and to begin work on her ha­bil­i­ta­tion the­sis. In 1931, Rose­nau con­ducted the first planned ar­chae­o­log­i­cal sur­vey of Bre­men Cathe­dral. While the ex­ca­va­tions in Bre­men seemed to open up a ca­reer for her as an art his­to­rian and ar­chae­ol­o­gist, they were to be the last she was able to com­plete.

The art history department in Hamburg as a refuge

There was an open at­mos­phere in Panof­sky's art his­tory de­part­ment. In Ham­burg Helen Rose­nau found her­self in an aca­d­e­mic en­vi­ron­ment where Jews were fre­quently rep­re­sented. How­ever, this was due less to an openly dis­played pos­i­tive self-​identification with the Jew­ish re­li­gion than to the ex­clu­sion that pre­vailed at other uni­ver­si­ties. In other de­part­ments of Ham­burg’s uni­ver­sity, an­ti­semitism be­came in­creas­ingly wide­spread. It was coun­tered by the open­ness of the de­part­ment of art his­tory. Both the de­part­ment and the War­burg Cul­tural Stud­ies Li­brary were a ver­i­ta­ble refuge for many of the stu­dents. Erwin Panof­sky was the only art his­to­rian to clearly po­si­tion him­self against schol­ars who ar­gued na­tion­al­is­ti­cally and racially. After the Na­tional So­cial­ists came to power, Panof­sky lost his po­si­tion. The uni­ver­sity en­vi­ron­ment in which Helen Rose­nau had com­pleted her aca­d­e­mic ed­u­ca­tion ceased to exist. The cir­cles among which she had cul­ti­vated her ac­quain­tances were about to be torn apart.

Emigration 1933

Based on her suc­cess­ful ex­ca­va­tions in Bre­men in 1931, the Emer­gency As­so­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Sci­ence Not­ge­mein­schaft der Deutschen Wis­senschaft granted her a re­search grant in 1932. The fund­ing pe­riod ran until March 31, 1933. Her work on the ha­bil­i­ta­tion the­sis pro­gressed well. Rose­nau had al­ready pre­sented the first par­tial re­sults when the sit­u­a­tion for Jew­ish schol­ars changed fun­da­men­tally after the Na­tional So­cial­ists came to power in Ger­many.

When her schol­ar­ship ended in March 1933, Rose­nau ini­tially ap­plied for fur­ther fund­ing. How­ever, the Na­tional So­cial­ists quickly in­stalled con­trol mech­a­nisms to oust peo­ple they did not want from the uni­ver­si­ties. In ad­di­tion to op­po­nents of their ide­ol­ogy, these in­cluded those who were “non-​Aryan” ac­cord­ing to the Nazi de­f­i­n­i­tion and those who were mar­ried to “non Aryans.” With the en­act­ment of the “Law for the Restora­tion of the Pro­fes­sional Civil Ser­vice” [Gesetz zur Wieder­her­stel­lung des Berufs­beam­ten­tums] on April 7, 1933, an aca­d­e­mic ca­reer for Jews in Ger­many was no longer pos­si­ble. Since the end of April 1933, the Emer­gency As­so­ci­a­tion of Ger­man Sci­ence[I] also no longer granted fund­ing to “non-​Aryan” per­sons. In­stead, it now al­lo­cated large por­tions of its fund­ing to projects that were con­cerned with racial, soil or set­tle­ment re­search, for ex­am­ple, and thus con­formed to the Na­tional So­cial­ist ideas of sci­ence. Helen Rose­nau left Ger­many in 1933 after this forced end to her aca­d­e­mic work, flee­ing to Eng­land.

Old and new networks

Once in Eng­land, Rose­nau sub­mit­ted a re­quest for as­sis­tance to the Aca­d­e­mic As­sis­tance Coun­cil (AAC) and at­tached a plethora of let­ters of rec­om­men­da­tion. One of these let­ters came from Fritz Saxl. Rose­nau knew him from her time in Ham­burg. Through con­tact with Samuel Cour­tauld, Saxl had suc­ceeded in trans­fer­ring the fa­mous War­burg Li­brary, in­clud­ing its staff, from Ham­burg to Lon­don and thus pre­serv­ing it. He rec­om­mended that Helen Rose­nau be sup­ported.

In Eng­land Rose­nau could count on the sup­port of the AAC, which pointed her to Crosby Hall. She also asked for help there in No­vem­ber 1933. This con­tact point for women aca­d­e­mics was set up by the British Fed­er­a­tion of Uni­ver­sity Women, the local group of the In­ter­na­tional Fed­er­a­tion of Uni­ver­sity Women. Helen Rose­nau had al­ready been a mem­ber of the In­ter­na­tional Fed­er­a­tion of Uni­ver­sity Women be­fore she em­i­grated to Eng­land. This or­ga­ni­za­tion, founded in 1907, was ex­plic­itly ded­i­cated to the ad­vance­ment of women schol­ars and had a large in­ter­na­tional net­work. Helen Rose­nau was able to move into Crosby Hall later that month.

For women art his­to­ri­ans in Eng­land, how­ever, there were only lim­ited job op­por­tu­ni­ties in the art trade or in col­lec­tions. The sub­ject did not be­come es­tab­lished at uni­ver­si­ties until the 1950s. The sit­u­a­tion was ag­gra­vated by wide­spread hos­til­ity to­ward em­i­grants, which was also ev­i­dent in aca­d­e­mic cir­cles. There, too, peo­ple feared a com­pet­i­tive sit­u­a­tion on the job mar­ket. Rose­nau re­mained in con­tact with the War­burg Li­brary. How­ever, the net­work was un­able to find her a per­ma­nent po­si­tion in Eng­land.

In mid-1934 she re­ceived the Crosby Hall Res­i­den­tial Schol­ar­ship of the British Fed­er­a­tion of Uni­ver­sity Women and thus a grant for the fol­low­ing year and later even until Jan­u­ary 1936. Un­like many em­i­grant women who had to ac­cept work far out­side their ac­tual ed­u­ca­tion, Helen Rose­nau man­aged to con­tinue work­ing in acad­e­mia. Rose­nau’s life thus stood in marked con­trast to the Nazis’ image of women, which she also ad­dresses at the end of her ar­ti­cle: “[] the present regime in Ger­many crushes their in­de­pen­dence and con­sid­ers them pri­mar­ily as breed­ing ma­chines for 'war­riors’.”

She was given the op­por­tu­nity to con­tinue the work she had begun in 1932 for her ha­bil­i­ta­tion and to ex­tend it to Eng­lish cathe­drals. In the end, how­ever, her work could only be pub­lished in 1934 in greatly abridged form. The ha­bil­i­ta­tion she had orig­i­nally planned did not re­sult from this pub­li­ca­tion. Rose­nau earned a Ph.D. from Lon­don Uni­ver­sity in 1940 and sub­se­quently worked at the Lon­don School of Eco­nom­ics under Karl Mannheim on the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the so­cial po­si­tion of women in art.

New topics

In this ar­ti­cle, Rose­nau ex­am­ined the foun­da­tions of the women’s move­ment in Ger­many and com­pared them with the so­cial re­al­ity of women in Na­tional So­cial­ist Ger­many. In doing so, she builds her ar­ti­cle upon a his­tor­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tion of the emerg­ing de­mand for legal equal­ity of men and women at the end of the 18th cen­tury. By ref­er­enc­ing Rahel Varn­hagen, Dorothea Schlegel, and Hen­ri­ette Hertz, Rose­nau suc­ceeds in draw­ing a con­nec­tion be­tween Jew­ish his­tory in Ger­many and the po­lit­i­cal de­mand for gen­der equal­ity. Cen­tral to her ar­gu­ment are the “Ideas for a Cat­e­chism for Noble Women” pub­lished by Friedrich Schleier­ma­cher in 1798, which Rose­nau had trans­lated into Eng­lish. Rose­nau shows that the idea of gen­der equal­ity al­ready ex­isted at the end of the 18th cen­tury, in stark con­trast with her own con­tem­po­rary ex­pe­ri­ence. Na­tional So­cial­ist Ger­mans prop­a­gated the sub­or­di­na­tion of in­di­vid­u­al­ity to the na­tional com­mu­nity and the re­duc­tion of women to the role of mother for as many chil­dren as pos­si­ble. An in­de­pen­dent so­cial po­si­tion for women was not en­vis­aged under Na­tional So­cial­ism. Rose­nau’s de­scrip­tion of how ac­cess to higher ed­u­ca­tion was also made more dif­fi­cult for women in Na­tional So­cial­ist Ger­many clearly draws on her per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ence. Not only did she leave her orig­i­nal field of re­search and sub­ject mat­ter, the his­tory of Chris­t­ian sa­cred build­ings, and in­creas­ingly turn to top­ics of Jew­ish his­tory and the so­cial sta­tus of women, she also left her pro­fes­sional and per­sonal home. Over­all, her own ex­pe­ri­ence seems to have sig­nif­i­cantly in­flu­enced her politi­ciza­tion and turn to gen­der his­tory top­ics. In this ar­ti­cle, she com­bined the two.

Just as War­burg’s li­brary found a new home in Lon­don, Rose­nau in a sense ex­ported her knowl­edge to British so­ci­ety. In her ar­ti­cle, she high­lights an as­pect of Ger­man and Jew­ish his­tory that was all but buried by events un­fold­ing at the time. She com­bined her ac­count with im­me­di­ate calls for a resur­gence of the fem­i­nist move­ment. Such po­lit­i­cal writ­ings by Rose­nau are not known from ear­lier years.

Helen Rose­nau did not re­turn to Ger­many. In 1947 she man­aged to get a low-​level ap­point­ment at Lon­don Uni­ver­sity. It was only in 1951, 18 years after her pre­vented ha­bil­i­ta­tion, that she found a per­ma­nent po­si­tion at the Uni­ver­sity of Man­ches­ter, where she fo­cused on the his­tory of urban plan­ning, among other things.

Select Bibliography

Gabriele Hofner-Kulenkamp, Versprengte Europäerinnen. Deutschsprachige Kunsthistorikerinnen im Exil, in: Gesellschaft für Exilforschung (ed.), Frauen und Exil. Zwischen Anpassung und Selbstbehauptung, Munich 1993, pp. 190-202.
Juliane Jacobi, Friedrich Schleiermacher‘s „Idee zu einem Katechismus der Vernunft für edle Frauen“. Ein Beitrag zur Bildungsgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte, in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 46 (2000) 2, pp. 159-174.
Jannik Sachweh, Brüche im bürgerlichen Wissenschaftsverständnis? Die Ausgrabungen Helen Rosenaus im Bremer Dom 1931, M. A., Bremen 2016.

Selected English Titles

Peter Alter, Refugees from Nazism and Cultural Transfer to Britain, in Immigrants & Minorities 30 (2012), pp. 190-210.
Charmian Brinson / Richard Dove / Anna Müller-Härlin, Politics by Other Means. The Free German League of Culture in London 1939-1946, London 2010.
Emily J. Levine, Dreamland of Humanists. Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School, Chicago, London 2013.


[I] Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft

About the Author

Jannik Sachweh is a historian with a focus on the regional and scientific history of Northwest Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. As a research assistant, he works for several memorial sites and museums.

Recommended Citation and License Statement

Jannik Sachweh, Helen Rosenau, Aspiring Art Historian and Archaeologist (translated by Insa Kummer), in: Key Documents of German-Jewish History, July 20, 2021. <https://dx.doi.org/10.23691/jgo:article-281.en.v1> [March 29, 2025].