This online source edition published by the Institute for the History of German Jews uses a selection of sources, so-called key documents, to thematically highlight central aspects in Hamburg’s Jewish history from the early modern age to the present.
Transcripts as well as digital facsimiles are provided for all sources, which are placed in historical context by interpretations and background information. The source material is further enriched by information on its provenance, historical responses to it, and scholarly controversies. All content is provided in both German and English.
The target audience for this source edition is college students, researchers and teachers, as well as the interested public and high school students. It covers a spectrum ranging from more general, introductory texts to those developing their argument by a close study of the source, and it offers different ways of approaching the texts – through a timeline, a specific topic or a map. The project is supported by an advisory board consisting of renowned scholars of German-Jewish history and experts in the field of digitization.
The online edition received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from July 2015 until January 2021.
The online exhibition entitled Objektgeschichte(n). Eine Sammlung zur jüdischen Volkskunde is currently only available in German.
The exhibition entitled “We have come for free trade...” A different post-war history: The Iranian-Jewish community in Hamburg uses the example of various family histories of this group to illuminate a different Jewish post-war history, with migration and economic history intertwined and with Hamburg serving as a local and at the same time global point of reference for several decades.
The exhibition “Nothing. Just Leave!” Escape from Germany and New Beginnings in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and São Paulo focuses on three cities that have so far received little attention as destinations for German-Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany.
The relaunch of our first online exhibition “Jewish Life since 1945” portrays the pluralization of Jewish lifeworlds in the 20th and 21st centuries, with a focus on remigration and migration movements.
Our seventh online exhibition looks at Jewish women as actors in their respective fields of activity: in the family and at a medical congress, at school and in court, or at the theater and a shipping company. Using ego documents, this exhibit highlights exemplary women’s biographies and their historical significance.