Theresienstadt concentration camp [Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt]
- Homepage:
Mentioned in
Demographics and Social Structure
(Miriam Rürup)
Design plans for the Jewish retirement home
(Alexandra Klei)
Eugen Fraenkel: Hamburg’s most important pathologist
(Benjamin Kuntz)
Experience Turned into Drawing? On the Motif of Closeness in Ágnes Lukács' Series of Lithographs
(Christiane Hess)
- Interview with Esther Bauer (B), November 20, 1998. Interviewer: Jens Michelsen (M), minute 00:09 to 3:53
- Käthe Starke, Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. Read by Laura de Weck, excerpt from the audio book “ schwarzer Nacht und lautloser Stille muss ich meinen Weg allein suchen...”, Hamburg 2011.
Martha Glass. “Every day in Theresin is a gift”
(Barbara Müller-Wesemann)
- Martha Glass: Theresienstadt Diaries 1943-1945
(Tobias Brinkmann)
- Minutes of a Meeting to Reconstitute the Jewish Congregation in Hamburg, July 1945
Narrative Layers of History. The Oral History Interviews with Holocaust Survivor Esther Bauer
(Andrea Althaus, Linde Apel)
Paul Dessau’s “Hagadah.” A Passover Oratorio Reflecting Contemporary History
(Daniela Reinhold)
- Speech Given by Mayor Max Brauer on the Occasion of the Groundbreaking for the Synagogue at Hohe Weide, November 9, 1958
The Banning of Jews from Visiting Museums
(Olaf Matthes, Christina Ewald)
The Founding of a new Jewish Congregation in Hamburg (1945). The Twelve “Founding Fathers.”
(Ina Lorenz)
The Number of Jews in Hamburg on April 30, 1945
(Jörg Berkemann)
The Stolpersteine of Brahmsallee 13: The Stories behind the Names and the Obstacles to Commemorating Them
(Beate Meyer)
“This cannot end well.” Käthe Starke-Goldschmidt's Memories of Theresienstadt
(Linde Apel)