Mentioned in
Continuities in a Historiography Overshadowed by Its National Socialist Past?
(Dirk Rupnow)
Family Names and Matters of Identity. Hans Julius Oppenheim’s Petition
(Beate-Christine Fiedler)
Gabriel Riesser and the Emancipation Debate in Hamburg
(Arno Herzig)
- Handwritten Notebook of Albert Ballin, Hamburg, June 1910 [Excerpt]
Leisure and Sports
(Kirsten Heinsohn)
- Letter from Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber to Senator Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg, May 13, 1964
- Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bischop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, August 26, 1964
- Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bischop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, July 13, 1964
- Letter from Senator Helmut Schmidt to Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber, Hamburg, April 30, 1964
- Martha Glass, Travel Diary during her stay in Germany and Austria, July 03 - October 16, 1953
Radio Appeal for an Anti-Jewish Boycott
(Michael Grüttner)
The Controversial Mission to the Jews. A 1964 Correspondence between Helmut Schmidt, Hamburg’s Senator for Interior Affairs, and Bishop Hans-Otto Wölber
(Rainer Hering)
The Kaiser, Dignitaries, and the Press as Guests of Albert Ballin
(Johannes Gerhardt)
Petersen, Christian
(January 17, 1802,
January 15, 1872,
Spiegel, Wilhelm
(June 22, 1876,
March 12, 1933,