Hamburg. Senate [Rath]
- Dissolved:
December 1859
Mentioned in
An Ashkenazic-Sephardic Marriage against the Father’s Will
(Monika Richarz)
Appeal for the Poor of the Triple Congregation (Altona-Hamburg-Wandsbek) of March 7,1789
(Arno Herzig)
- Ezekiel, A Beautiful New Song, Hamburg, 1652, edited by David de Castro (Amsterdam, 1675)
From Rumor to Contract: The Complaint of the Hamburg Parliament concerning Portuguese Jews of December 9, 1603
(Christian Küker)
Gabriel Riesser and the Emancipation Debate in Hamburg
(Arno Herzig)
- Gabriel Riesser, A Memorandum Concerning the Civil Conditions of Hamburg Israelites, Submitted. in their support, as a Petition to the Highly Noble and Wise Council. Printed as a Manuscript for the Members of the One Highly Noble and Wise Council and Their Equally Highly Commendable Citizen Colleagues, Hamburg 1834, pp. 6-7
Hebrew Language Studies between Christian Theology and the Enlightenment. The Academic High School in Hamburg
(Achim Rohde)
The Act of Separation and the End of the Triple Congregation
(Jörg Berkemann)
- The Complaint of the Hamburg Parliament concerning Portuguese Jews of December 9, 1603, in: Acta Conventuum Senatus et Civium from Dezember 8/9, 1603 [S. 21-22]
The Imperial Decree for Jews of 1710 (the so-called Judenreglement): a new formal guarantee of legal security for the Jews of Hamburg
(Ina Lorenz)
The Portuguese-Jewish Community in Hamburg through the Lens of the Inquisition
(Jorun Poettering)
What happened in Hamburg. . .: A Western Yiddish Song about Polish Jews in 17th century Hamburg
(Diana Matut)