Bernhard Nette, born in Hamburg in 1946, studied history and German literature at the University of Hamburg from 1968–1973, followed by research and teaching at Oxford University from 1974–1976. Between 1978–2011 he taught German and history at a comprehensive school and was on the state board of the local teachers’ union, GEW Hamburg from 1995–2010. He is the author of: Die Lehrergewerkschaft und ihr "Arisierungserbe." Die GEW, das Geld und die Moral, Hamburg 2010 (with Stefan Romey); "Vergesst ja Nette nicht!" Der Bremer Polizist und Judenreferent Bruno Nette, Hamburg 2017; Ausplünderung: Bergedorfer Juden und das Finanzamt. Beispiele von NS-Verfolgung und "Wiedergutmachung," Hamburg 2019.